Tasks for Signal Processing Engineer Position
In this folder, please find all the necessary files for Task_1.
-main.py - This is the main file to be run in the terminal. In this file, the main frame of the task is implemented where the functions needed for subtasks are called.
-speech_ratio.py - This file consists of the algorithm to calculate the speech ratio in an audio file.
-noise_reduction.py - This file consists of the algorithm to reduce noise in an audio file.
-snr.py - This file consists of the algorithm to calculate SNR in dB of an audio file.
-Other .wav files have been used to test these algorithms
Running the files for Task_1:
Step 1: Run py main.py
in the terminal
Step 2: From the list, choose a subtask to perform. For example, 1 for Speech Ratio calculation.
Step 3: Enter the path of the desired audio including the extension, for the task.
Please find the answers to the Task_2 in this file