Hardware Trojan Benchmark created by a Reinforcement Learning Agent
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General Information
1- This zip file contains a subset of ISCAS-85 benchmarks in which hardware Trojans (HTs) have been inserted. 2- The benchmarks were generated by a Reinforcement Learning (RL) toolset where an agent explores the environment (in this case, a Verilog circuit) and inserts HTs. 3- The HT circuits are built from anded trigger nets and an XOR gate for payload. 4- For the details of our HT insertion criteria, please refer to our paper "Hardware Trojan Insertion Using Reinforcement Learning" (https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3526241.3530379). 5- If you use this benchmark in your research, we kindly request you to cite our paper "Hardware Trojan Insertion Using Reinforcement Learning" (https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3526241.3530379).
Benchmark Details
1- The dataset includes 6 benchmarks namely: c432, c880, c1355, c1908, c3540, c6288 2- Each Benchmark contains 2-input, 3-input, 4-input, and 5-input HTs. 3- The benchmarks name format is verilog_XX.v 4- Commented at the top of each .v file, you can see the HT trigger nets. 5- At the bottom of each .v file, you see these trigger nets anded, followed by an XOR gate where it is the payload. 6- Each Verilog file has its own log file, and the format is log_verilog_XX_YY.txt. XX is the same as the Verilog HT name, and YY is the ICP (Input Coverage Percentage). It is 0<YY=<1. 7- ICP states what percentage of the circuit total inputs were involved during the activation of that particular HT. This information can also be found inside each of the log files. 8- The input combination to activate the particular is included in the log files for sanity check. It is called the input stack.