Grazer project is a linearly-scalable content scraper. It features:
- hatchery that dynamically spawns AWS instances based on "roles"
- scraper state management, allowing to limit amount of content being (re)scraped
- Rabbit MQ to manage the work queue and provide linear scalability Grazer is best run and managed by Synergy Scheduler.
Grazer configuration is environment-specific and organized in files. Most prominent settings are:
- aws_access_key_id:
- aws_secret_access_key:
- aws_s3_bucket: grazer_scrapes
- aws_redshift_grazer_prefix: ''
- aws_redshift_grazer_suffix: ''
- sql_bulk_threshold: size of the batch read from the db
- csv_bulk_threshold: size of the temporary buffer before the flush to filesystem
- merge_bulk_threshold: number of request to accumulate before the flush on Merger side
- scrape_threads_count: number of simultaneous web scraper threads
Grazer relies on presence of following tables in the ext. schema:
- ext.tbl_scrape_conent: permanent table, managed by DBA
- ext.tbl_scrape_state: permanent table, managed by DBA
- ext.temp_scrape_state: temporary table, managed by Grazer codebase
- ext.temp_scrape_content: temporary table, managed by Grazer codebase
to setup Grazer EXT schema perform:
$> ./db/
$> YOUR_SQL_SHELL ./db/grazer_schema.sql
Grazer codebase comes with a comprehensive Unit Test suite.
Apache 2.0 License:
/ main executing file
/ utility to start worker in daemon mode
/ configuration management
/scripts/ folder contains shell scripts
/system/ folder contains useful system-level modules
/tests/ folder contains unit test
/vendors/ folder contains Python libraries required for the project and installed in Python Virtual Environment
/worker/ folder of actual project's code