Support package for hydra_sim (and eventually hydra_est) model(s).
Details of the original model can be found in:
Gaichas et al. (2017). Combining stock, multispecies, and ecosystem level fishery objectives within an operational management procedure: simulation to start the conversation. ICES 74:2, 552-565. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw119
This multispecies model is data intensive. It is coded in ADMB and it requires two data files (.dat and .pin) to run. Both are text files.
- Easy manipulation of underlying data
- Easy creation of .dat and .pin files based on user options
- Complete documentation of underlying data in tabular and graphic form
Intended use in conjuction with model running and scenario testing. Data are lazily loaded with the package
remotes::install_github("noaa-edab/hydradata", build_vignettes = TRUE)
andybeet |
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