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202411 Release of SHiELD_physics #44

202411 Release of SHiELD_physics

202411 Release of SHiELD_physics #44

name: Compile SHiELD and run tests
# This GitHub Action Workflow is running on the cloud shieldphysicsciintel cluster
# The tests are run inside of a container with the following software/libraries:
# -intel: 2023.2.0
# -hdf5: 1.14.0
# -netcdf-c: 4.9.2
# -netcdf-fortran: 4.6.0
# -cmake
# -libyaml
- main
#this should cancel in progress ci runs for the same PR
#(e.g. a second commit on the same PR comes in while CI is still running)
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
if: github.repository == 'NOAA-GFDL/SHiELD_physics'
runs-on: [shieldphysicsciintel]
name: Checkout Code
# It can take a long time (5-15 minutes) to spinup nodes
# so this salloc will prompt 46 nodes to startup and stay active for 20 min
# this is enough nodes for the first 17 tests to run in parallel, and we
# have 17 runners configured.
# - run: salloc --partition=p2 -N 46 -J $GITHUB_SHA sleep 20m &
- run: /contrib/fv3/SHiELD_physics_CI/ -b $GITHUB_REF -h $GITHUB_SHA
if: github.repository == 'NOAA-GFDL/SHiELD_physics'
runs-on: [shieldphysicsciintel]
name: SHiELD build
needs: [checkout]
fail-fast: true
max-parallel: 17
runscript: [/contrib/fv3/SHiELD_physics_CI/]
config: [shield]
hydro: [nh]
bit: [32bit]
mode: [repro]
- env:
RUNSCRIPT: ${{ matrix.runscript }}
CONFIG: ${{ matrix.config }}
HYDRO: ${{ matrix.hydro }}
BIT: ${{ matrix.bit }}
MODE: ${{ matrix.mode }}
run: $RUNSCRIPT -b $GITHUB_REF -h $GITHUB_SHA -c $CONFIG --hydro $HYDRO --bit $BIT -m $MODE
# test:
# if: github.repository == 'NOAA-GFDL/SHiELD_physics'
# runs-on: [shieldphysicsciintel]
# name: SHiELD test suite
# needs: [checkout, build]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# max-parallel: 17
# matrix:
# runscript: [/contrib/fv3/SHiELD_physics_CI/]
# argument:
# - test1
# - test2
# steps:
# # This will end the slurm job started in the checkout job
# - run: scancel -n $GITHUB_SHA
# - env:
# RUNSCRIPT: ${{ matrix.runscript }}
# ARG1: ${{ matrix.argument }}
# shutdown:
# if: always() && github.repository == 'NOAA-GFDL/SHiELD_physics'
# runs-on: [shieldphysicsciintel]
# name: Shutdown Processes
# needs: [checkout, build, test]
# needs: [checkout, build]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# max-parallel: 17
# matrix:
# test:
# - test2
# - test2
# steps:
# - run: scancel -n $GITHUB_SHA
# - env:
# JOB: ${{ github.sha }}_${{ matrix.test }}
# run: scancel -n $JOB