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Merge pull request #1071 from NREL-Sienna/jdgk/cost_functions
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Initial refactor of cost functions
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jd-lara authored Apr 30, 2024
2 parents d80e757 + 39c87fb commit 48472d2
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Showing 50 changed files with 1,307 additions and 853 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/modeler_guide/
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# PowerSystems Cost Functions

PowerSystems.jl provides an extensive type hierarchy to explicitly express relationships between power production and cost. This lets the modeler represent cost functions as linear, quadratic, or piecewise input-output curves, potentially piecewise marginal heat rates, average heat rates, and more, as best fits the input data.

To represent a cost for a particular [`Component`](@ref), the modeler first chooses one of the variable cost representations in the table below. Then, they wrap this [`ProductionVariableCost`](@ref) in either a [`CostCurve`](@ref) to indicate a cost in currency or in a [`FuelCurve`](@ref) to indicate a cost per unit of fuel plus a fuel cost. Finally, the user creates a domain-specific [`OperationalCost`](@ref) that contains this variable cost as well as other costs that may exist in that domain, such as a fixed cost that is always incurred when the unit is on. For instance, we may have `RenewableGenerationCost(CostCurve(TODO), 0.0)` to represent the cost of a renewable unit that produces at TODO, or `ThermalGenerationCost(; variable = FuelCurve(TODO), fixed = TODO, start_up = TODO, shut_down = TODO)` to represent the cost of a thermal unit that produces at TODO. Below, we give the options for `ProductionVariableCost`s. Information on what domain-specific cost must be provided for a given component type can be found in that component type's documentation.

## Variable Cost Representations
For more details, see the documentation page for each type.
| Type alias | Description | Constructor parameters | Example |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `LinearCurve` | Linear input-output curve with zero no-load cost (constant average rate) | Average/marginal rate | `LinearCurve(3.0)` |
| `LinearCurve` | Linear input-output curve with nonzero no-load cost (constant marginal rate) | Marginal rate, cost at zero production | `LinearCurve(3.0, 5.0)` |
| `QuadraticCurve` | Quadratic input-output curve, may have nonzero no-load cost | Quadratic, proportional, and constant terms of input-output curve | `QuadraticCurve(1.0, 1.0, 18.0)` |
| `PiecewisePointCurve` | Piecewise linear curve specified by cost values at production points | Vector of (production, cost) pairs | `PiecewisePointCurve([(1.0, 20.0), (2.0, 24.0), (3.0, 30.0)])` |
| `PiecewiseIncrementalCurve` | Piecewise linear curve specified by marginal rates (slopes) between production points, may have nonzero initial value | Cost at minimum production point, vector of $n$ production points, vector of $n-1$ marginal rates/slopes of the curve segments between the points | `PiecewiseIncrementalCurve(20., [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 6.0])` |
| `PiecewiseAverageCurve` | Piecewise linear curve specified by average rates between production points, may have nonzero initial value | Cost at minimum production point, vector of $n$ production points, vector of average rates at the $n-1$ latter points | `PiecewiseAverageCurve(20., [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [12.0, 10.0])` |
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions docs/src/modeler_guide/
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ generator = ThermalStandard(
time_limits = (up = 0.015, down = 0.015),
ramp_limits = (up = 5.0, down = 3.0),
operation_cost = MarketBidCost(
no_load = 0.0,
no_load_cost = 0.0,
start_up = (hot = 0.0, warm = 0.0, cold = 0.0),
shut_down = 0.0,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ the `Dict` with the data as follows:

### Step 3a: Adding Energy Bid TimeSeriesData to the device

To add energy market bids time-series to the `MarketBidCost`, the use of `set_variable_cost!`
is recommended. The arguments for `set_variable_cost!` are:
To add energy market bids time-series to the `MarketBidCost`, use `set_variable_cost!`. The
arguments for `set_variable_cost!` are:

- `sys::System`: PowerSystem System
- `component::StaticInjection`: Static injection device
Expand All @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ set_variable_cost!(sys, generator, time_series_data)

### Step 3b: Adding Service Bid TimeSeriesData to the device

Similar to adding energy market bids, for adding bids for ancillary services the use of
`set_service_bid!` is recommended.
Similar to adding energy market bids, for adding bids for ancillary services, use

```@repl market_bid_cost
service = VariableReserve{ReserveUp}("example_reserve", true, 0.6, 2.0)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/modeler_guide/
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@

## Introduction

The bulk of the data in many power system models is time series data, in order to
organize the data the potential inherent complexity, `PowerSystems.jl` has a set of definitions
to enable consistent modeling.
The bulk of the data in many power system models is time series data. Given the potential
inherent complexity, `PowerSystems.jl` has a set of definitions to organize this data and
enable consistent modeling.

- **Resolution**: The period of time between each discrete value in the data, all resolutions
are represented using `Dates.Period` types. For instance, a Day-ahead market data set usually
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ new_renewable = RenewableDispatch(
prime_mover_type = PrimeMovers.WT,
reactive_power_limits = (min = 0.0, max = 0.0),
base_power = 100.0,
operation_cost = TwoPartCost(22.0, 0.0),
operation_cost = RenewableGenerationCost(CostCurve(LinearCurve(22.0))),
power_factor = 1.0
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50 changes: 33 additions & 17 deletions src/PowerSystems.jl
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Expand Up @@ -42,25 +42,25 @@ export PhaseShiftingTransformer
export FunctionData
export LinearFunctionData
export QuadraticFunctionData
export PolynomialFunctionData
export PiecewiseLinearPointData
export PiecewiseLinearSlopeData
export PiecewiseLinearData
export PiecewiseStepData
export get_proportional_term
export get_quadratic_term
export get_constant_term
export get_coefficients
export get_slopes
export get_x_lengths
export is_convex
export get_points
export get_x_coords
export get_y0
export get_y_coords

export ThreePartCost
export TwoPartCost
export MultiStartCost
export MarketBidCost
export StorageManagementCost
export ValueCurve, InputOutputCurve, IncrementalCurve, AverageRateCurve
export LinearCurve, QuadraticCurve
export PiecewisePointCurve, PiecewiseIncrementalCurve, PiecewiseAverageCurve
export ProductionVariableCost, CostCurve, FuelCurve
export OperationalCost, MarketBidCost, LoadCost, StorageCost
export HydroGenerationCost, RenewableGenerationCost, ThermalGenerationCost
export get_function_data, get_initial_input, get_value_curve, get_power_units, get_fuel_cost

export Generator
export HydroGen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,6 +340,12 @@ export get_data
export iterate_components
export get_time_series_multiple
export get_variable_cost
export get_no_load_cost
export get_start_up
export get_shut_down
export get_incremental_offer_curves
export get_decremental_offer_curves
export get_ancillary_service_offers
export get_services_bid
export set_variable_cost!
export set_service_bid!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,7 +459,7 @@ import Logging
import Dates
import TimeSeries
import DataFrames
import DataStructures: OrderedDict
import DataStructures: OrderedDict, SortedDict
import JSON3
import CSV
import YAML
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,19 +549,18 @@ import InfrastructureSystems:
get_points, # TODO possible rename to disambiguate from geographical information
get_y0, # TODO reevaluate whether this should be exported

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,7 +603,6 @@ include("models/static_injection_subsystem.jl")
# PowerSystems models

# Static types
Expand All @@ -611,6 +615,18 @@ include("models/dynamic_generator_components.jl")

# Costs

# Include all auto-generated structs.
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24 changes: 22 additions & 2 deletions src/data_format_conversions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -90,23 +90,43 @@ function _convert_cost(points::Vector)
@assert all(length.(points) .== 2)
@assert all([all(typeof.(point) .<: Real) for point in points])
# NOTE: old representation stored points as (y, x); new representation is (x, y)
return PiecewiseLinearPointData([(x, y) for (y, x) in points])
return PiecewiseLinearData([(x, y) for (y, x) in points])

# _convert_op_cost: take a component type, an old operational cost type, and old operational
# cost data; and create the proper new operational cost struct. Some of these cost structs
# no longer exist, so we dispatch instead on symbols.
_convert_op_cost(::Val{:ThermalStandard}, ::Val{:ThreePartCost}, op_cost::Dict) =

# TODO implement remaining _convert_op_cost methods

function _convert_data!(
raw::Dict{String, Any},
for component in vcat(raw["data"]["components"], raw["data"]["masked_components"])
# Convert costs: all old cost structs are in fields named `operation_cost`
if haskey(component, "operation_cost")
op_cost = component["operation_cost"]
# Step 1: insert a FunctionData
if op_cost["__metadata__"]["type"] in COST_CONTAINERS &&
haskey(op_cost["variable"], "cost")
old_cost = op_cost["variable"]["cost"]
new_cost = IS.serialize(_convert_cost(old_cost))
new_cost = _convert_cost(old_cost)
op_cost["variable"] = new_cost
# Step 2: convert TwoPartCost/ThreePartCost to new domain-specific cost structs
comp_type = Val{Symbol(component["__metadata__"]["type"])}()
op_cost_type = Val{Symbol(op_cost["__metadata__"]["type"])}()
new_op_cost = IS.serialize(_convert_op_cost(comp_type, op_cost_type, op_cost))
component["operation_cost"] = new_op_cost
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/definitions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const StartUpShutDown = NamedTuple{(:startup, :shutdown), Tuple{Float64, Float64
const FromTo = NamedTuple{(:from, :to), Tuple{Float64, Float64}}
# Exception to CamelCase convention for aliases due to confusssing reading of FromToToFrom
const FromTo_ToFrom = NamedTuple{(:from_to, :to_from), Tuple{Float64, Float64}}
const StartUpStages = NamedTuple{(:hot, :warm, :cold), NTuple{3, Float64}}

"From Table B-4"

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