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OpenStudio-HPXML v1.5.0

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@shorowit shorowit released this 19 Nov 00:17
· 7840 commits to master since this release

OpenStudio-HPXML version 1.5.0 has been released. The OpenStudio-HPXML workflow uses HPXML building description files to run residential simulations on the Department of Energy's OpenStudio/EnergyPlus building simulation platform.

OpenStudio-HPXML v1.5.0 uses OpenStudio v3.5.0, EnergyPlus v22.2.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-HPXML v1.5.0 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to generate an appropriate HPXML file, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

New Features

  • Updates to OpenStudio 3.5.0/EnergyPlus 22.2.
  • Updates to newer proposed HPXML v4.0:
    • Breaking Change: Replaces FrameFloors/FrameFloor with Floors/Floor.
    • Breaking change: Floor/FloorType (WoodFrame, StructuralInsulatedPanel, SteelFrame, or SolidConcrete) is a required input.
    • Breaking Change: All Ducts must now have a SystemIdentifier.
    • Breaking Change: Replaces WallType/StructurallyInsulatedPanel with WallType/StructuralInsulatedPanel.
    • Breaking change: Replaces SoftwareInfo/extension/SimulationControl/DaylightSaving/Enabled with Building/Site/TimeZone/DSTObserved.
    • Breaking Change: Replaces StandbyLoss with StandbyLoss[Units="F/hr"]/Value for an indirect water heater.
    • Breaking Change: Replaces BranchPipingLoopLength with BranchPipingLength for a hot water recirculation system.
    • Breaking Change: Replaces Floor/extension/OtherSpaceAboveOrBelow with Floor/FloorOrCeiling.
    • Breaking change: For PTAC with heating, replaces HeatingSystem of type PackagedTerminalAirConditionerHeating with CoolingSystem/IntegratedHeating* elements.
  • Breaking Change: Now performs full HPXML XSD schema validation (previously just limited checks); yields runtime speed improvements.
  • Breaking Change: HVAC/DHW equipment efficiencies can no longer be defaulted (e.g., based on age of equipment); they are now required.
  • Breaking Change: Deprecates ReportHPXMLOutput measure; HVAC autosized capacities & design loads moved to results_annual.csv.
  • Breaking change: BuildResidentialHPXML measure: Replaces arguments using 'auto' for defaults with optional arguments of the appropriate data type.
  • Utility bill calculations:
    • Breaking change: Removes utility rate and PV related arguments from the ReportUtilityBills measure in lieu of HPXML file inputs.
    • Allows calculating one or more utility bill scenarios (e.g., net metering vs feed-in tariff compensation types for a simulation with PV).
    • Adds detailed calculations for tiered, time-of-use, or real-time pricing electric rates using OpenEI tariff files.
  • Lithium ion battery:
    • Allows detailed charging/discharging schedules via CSV files.
    • Allows setting round trip efficiency.
    • Breaking change: Lifetime model is temporarily disabled; Battery/extension/LifetimeModel is not allowed.
  • Allows SEER2/HSPF2 efficiency types for central air conditioners and heat pumps.
  • Allows setting the natural ventilation availability (days/week that operable windows can be opened); default changed from 7 to 3 (M/W/F).
  • Allows specifying duct surface area multipliers.
  • Allows modeling CFIS ventilation systems with supplemental fans.
  • Allows shared dishwasher/clothes washer to be attached to a hot water distribution system instead of a single water heater.
  • Allows heating/cooling seasons that don't span the entire year.
  • Allows modeling room air conditioners with heating or reverse cycle.
  • Allows setting the ground soil conductivity used for foundation heat transfer and ground source heat pumps.
  • Allows setting the EnergyPlus temperature capacitance multiplier.
  • EnergyPlus modeling changes:
    • Switches Kiva foundation model timestep from 'Hourly' to 'Timestep'; small increase in runtime for sub-hourly simulations.
    • Improves Kiva foundation model heat transfer by providing better initial temperature assumptions based on foundation type and insulation levels.
  • Annual/timeseries outputs:
    • Allows timeseries timestamps to be start or end of timestep convention; Breaking change: now defaults to start of timestep.
    • Adds annual emission outputs disaggregated by end use; timeseries emission outputs disaggregated by end use can be requested.
    • Allows generating timeseries unmet hours for heating and cooling.
    • Allows CSV timeseries output to be formatted for use with the DView application.
    • Adds heating/cooling setpoints to timeseries outputs when requesting zone temperatures.
    • Disaggregates Battery outputs from PV outputs.
    • Design temperatures, used to calculate design loads for HVAC equipment autosizing, are now output in in.xml and results_annual.csv.


  • Fixes possible incorrect autosizing of heat pump separate backup systems with respect to duct loads.
  • Fixes incorrect autosizing of heat pump integrated backup systems if using MaxLoad/HERS sizing methodology and cooling design load exceeds heating design load.
  • Fixes heating (or cooling) setpoints affecting the conditioned space temperature outside the heating (or cooling) season.
  • Fixes handling non-integer number of occupants when using the stochastic occupancy schedule generator.
  • Fixes units for Peak Loads (kBtu/hr, not kBtu) in annual results file.
  • Fixes possible output error for ground source heat pumps with a shared hydronic circulation loop.
  • Provides an error message if the EnergyPlus simulation used infinite energy.
  • Fixes zero energy use for a ventilation fan w/ non-zero fan power and zero airflow rate.
  • Fixes excessive heat transfer when foundation wall interior insulation does not start from the top of the wall.
  • Fixes how relative paths are treated when using an OpenStudio Workflow.
  • Fixes possible simulation error if a slab has an ExposedPerimeter near zero.
  • Fixes possible "Could not identify surface type for surface" error.
  • Fixes possible ruby error when defaulting water heater location.
  • Battery round trip efficiency now correctly affects results.
  • BuildResidentialHPXML measure:
    • Fixes aspect ratio convention for single-family attached and multifamily dwelling units.