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kennedy-mindermann committed Dec 19, 2024
1 parent e616f7d commit 24a95df
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Showing 99 changed files with 126,881 additions and 102,666 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ReEDS uses high spatial resolution and high-fidelity modeling. Though it covers
<a name="Software"></a>
# Required Software

The ReEDS model is written primarily in GAMS with auxiliary modules written in Python. R is used for the demand module, which is not active by default, and therefore need not be installed unless you plan on working with that module. At present, NREL uses the following software versions: GAMS 30.3; Python 3.6.5; R 3.4.4. Other versions of these software may be compatible with ReEDS, but NREL has not tested other versions at this time.
The ReEDS model is written primarily in GAMS with auxiliary modules written in Python. At present, NREL uses the following software versions: GAMS 45.2; Python 3.11. Other versions of these software may be compatible with ReEDS, but NREL has not tested other versions at this time.

GAMS is a mathematical programming software from the GAMS Development Corporation. &quot;The use of GAMS beyond the limits of the free demo system requires the presence of a valid GAMS license file.&quot; [[1](] The ReEDS model requires the GAMS Base Module and a linear programming (LP) solver (e.g., CPLEX). The LP solver should be connected to GAMS with either a GAMS/Solver license or a GAMS/Solver-Link license. &quot;A GAMS/Solver connects the GAMS Base module to a particular solver and includes a license for this solver to be used through GAMS. It is not necessary to install additional software. A GAMS/Solver-Link connects the GAMS Base Module to a particular solver, but does not include a license for the solver. It may be necessary to install additional software before the solver can be used.&quot; [[2](]

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76 changes: 40 additions & 36 deletions b_inputs.gms
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -993,11 +993,15 @@ tg_i('wind-ons',i)$onswind(i) = yes ;
tg_i('wind-ofs',i)$ofswind(i) = yes ;
tg_i('pv',i)$[(pv(i) or pvb(i))$(not distpv(i))] = yes ;
tg_i('csp',i)$csp(i) = yes ;
tg_i('ccs',i)$ccs(i) = yes ;
tg_i('gas-uncontrolled',i)$[gas(i)$(not ccs(i))] = yes ;
tg_i('gas',i)$gas(i) = yes ;
tg_i('coal',i)$coal(i) = yes ;
tg_i('nuclear',i)$nuclear(i) = yes ;
tg_i('storage',i)$storage_standalone(i) = yes ;
tg_i('battery',i)$battery(i) = yes ;
tg_i('hydro',i)$hydro(i) = yes ;
tg_i('h2',i)$h2_ct(i) = yes ;
tg_i('geothermal',i)$geo(i) = yes ;
tg_i('biomass',i)$bio(i) = yes ;
tg_i('pumped-hydro',i)$psh(i) = yes ;

*Hybrid pv+battery (PVB) configurations are defined by:
* (1) inverter loading ratio (DC/AC) and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1350,6 +1354,9 @@ Sw_UpgradeYear$[(not Sw_UpgradeYear)] =
caa_coal_retire_year$[not sum{tt$[tt.val=caa_coal_retire_year], tmodel_new(tt) }] =
smin(tt$[(tt.val>=caa_coal_retire_year)$tmodel_new(tt)],tt.val) ;

* if Sw_Clean_Air_Act = 0, then set caa_coal_retire_year to the last solve year
caa_coal_retire_year$[Sw_Clean_Air_Act = 0] = smax(tmodel_new, tmodel_new.val) ;

* ---------- Bintage Mapping ----------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2212,6 +2219,7 @@ set valcap(i,v,r,t) "i, v, r, and t combinations that are allowed for
valcap_irt(i,r,t) "i, r, and t combinations that are allowed for capacity",
valcap_i(i) "i that are allowed for capacity",
valcap_iv(i,v) "i and v combinations that are allowed for capacity",
valcap_ir(i,r) "i and r combinations that are allowed for capacity",
valcap_ivr(i,v,r) "i, v, and r combinations that are allowed for capacity",
valcap_h2ptc(i,v,r,t) "i, v, r and t combinations that are allowed for capacity that can receive the hydrogen PTC",
valgen_irt(i,r,t) "i, r, and t combinations that are allowed for generation",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2294,7 +2302,30 @@ prescription_check(i,newv,r,t)$[sum{pcat$prescriptivelink(pcat,i), noncumulative
*Only enable for bin1 if there is no resource in any bins to keep parameter size down.
m_rscfeas(r,i,"bin1")$[sum{(pcat,t)$[sameas(pcat,i)$tmodel_new(t)], noncumulative_prescriptions(pcat,r,t) }$rsc_i(i)$(not bannew(i))$(sum{rscbin, rsc_dat(i,r,"cap",rscbin) }=0)] = yes ;

*--- Interconnection queues (Capacity deployment limit) ---
alias(tg,tgg) ;

table cap_limit(tg,r,allt) "--MW-- capacity deployment limit by region and technology based on interconnection queues"
$include inputs_case%ds%cap_limit.csv

parameter cap_penalty(tg) "--per MW-- cost penalty for capacity deployment above cap limit"
$include inputs_case%ds%cap_penalty.csv
/ ;

* -- Explicit spur-line capacity (if used) --
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2455,18 +2486,6 @@ valcap(i,newv,r,t)$[
$(not ([r_offshore(r,t) and ofswind(i)] or [sum{st$r_st(r,st), batterymandate(st,t) } and battery(i)]))
] = no ;

*therefore remove the consideration of valcap if...
*if there are no required prescriptions
(not sum{pcat$prescriptivelink(pcat,i),
m_required_prescriptions(pcat,r,t) } )
*if the year is before the first year the technology is allowed
*if there is not a mandate for that technology in the region
$(not ([r_offshore(r,t) and ofswind(i)] or
[sum{st$r_st(r,st), batterymandate(st,t) } and battery(i)] ) )
] = no ;

*remove any non-prescriptive build capabilities if they are not prescribed
valcap(i,newv,r,t)$[(not sameas(i,'gas-ct'))$(yeart(t)<firstyear(i))
$(not sum{tt$(yeart(tt)<=yeart(t)), prescription_check(i,newv,r,tt) })
Expand All @@ -2491,6 +2510,7 @@ valcap(i,v,r,t)$[i_numeraire(i)$(not psh(i))$Sw_WaterMain] = no ;
*upgraded init capacity is available if the tech from which it is
*upgrading is in valcap and not banned
$sum{ii$upgrade_from(i,ii), valcap(ii,initv,r,t) }
$(not ban(i))
$(not sum{ii$upgrade_to(i,ii), ban(ii) })
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2565,6 +2585,7 @@ valcap(i,v,r,t)$[upgrade(i)$(not sum{ii$upgrade_from(i,ii),valcap(ii,v,r,t) })]
* Add aggregations of valcap
valcap_irt(i,r,t) = sum{v, valcap(i,v,r,t) } ;
valcap_iv(i,v)$sum{(r,t)$tmodel_new(t), valcap(i,v,r,t) } = yes ;
valcap_ir(i,r)$sum{(v,t)$tmodel_new(t), valcap(i,v,r,t) } = yes ;
valcap_i(i)$sum{v, valcap_iv(i,v) } = yes ;
valcap_ivr(i,v,r)$sum{t, valcap(i,v,r,t) } = yes ;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3779,7 +3800,7 @@ winter_cap_ratio(i,v,r)$valcap_ivr(i,v,r) = 1 ;
= hintage_data(i,initv,r,'2010','wintercap') / hintage_data(i,initv,r,'2010','cap') ;
* New capacity is given the capacity-weighted average value from existing units
winter_cap_ratio(i,newv,r)$[sum{t, valcap(i,newv,r,t) }
$sum{(initv,rr), hintage_data(i,initv,rr,'2010','wintercap') }]
= sum{(initv,rr), winter_cap_ratio(i,initv,rr) * hintage_data(i,initv,rr,'2010','wintercap') }
/ sum{(initv,rr), hintage_data(i,initv,rr,'2010','wintercap') } ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5550,7 +5571,7 @@ storage_eff(i,t)$upgrade(i) = sum{ii$upgrade_to(i,ii), storage_eff(ii,t) } ;
parameter minstorfrac(i,v,r) "--fraction-- minimum storage_in as a fraction of total input capacity";
minstorfrac(i,v,r)$[valcap_ivr(i,v,r)$psh(i)] = %GSw_HydroStorInMinLoad% ;
* Expand for water technologies
minstorfrac(i,v,r)$[i_water_cooling(i)$sum{t, valcap(i,v,r,t) }$psh(i)$Sw_WaterMain]
= sum{ii$ctt_i_ii(i,ii), minstorfrac(ii,v,r) } ;

parameter storinmaxfrac(i,v,r) "--fraction-- max storage input capacity as a fraction of output capacity" ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5649,7 +5670,6 @@ parameter storage_duration_m(i,v,r) "--hours-- storage duration by tech, vinta
cc_storage(i,sdbin) "--fraction-- capacity credit of storage by duration"
bin_duration(sdbin) "--hours-- duration of each storage duration bin"
bin_penalty(sdbin) "--$-- penalty to incentivize solve to fill the shorter duration bins first"
within_seas_frac(i,v,r) "--unitless-- fraction of energy that must be used within season. 1 means no shifting. <1 means we can shift"
parameter storage_duration_pshdata(i,v,r) "--hours-- storage duration data for PSH"
Expand All @@ -5668,23 +5688,6 @@ storage_duration_m(i,v,r)$[storage_duration(i)$valcap_ivr(i,v,r)] = storage_dura
$ifthen %GSw_HydroPSHDurData% == 1
storage_duration_m(i,v,r)$[storage_duration_pshdata(i,v,r)$psh(i)$valcap_ivr(i,v,r)] = storage_duration_pshdata(i,v,r) ;
* Define fraction of energy that must be used within season. Use input parameters for dispatchable hydropower and PSH.
within_seas_frac(i,v,r)$valcap_ivr(i,v,r) = 1 ;
within_seas_frac(hydro_d,v,r) = %GSw_HydroWithinSeasFrac% ;
$ifthen.usedur %GSw_HydroPumpWithinSeasFrac% == "data"
* Use storage duration data to define.
* This will only allow shifting for durations > 168 hours, where 168-730.5 hr is classified by the
* International Hydropower Association as "intra-month", and >730.5 hr is classified as Seasonal.
within_seas_frac(psh,v,r)$[storage_duration_m(psh,v,r) > 168] = round(1 - storage_duration_m(psh,v,r)/(24*7*(52/4)), 3) ;
within_seas_frac(psh,v,r)$[within_seas_frac(psh,v,r) < 0] = 0 ;
* Use numerical value from case file for PSH only
within_seas_frac(psh,v,r)$[sum{t, valcap(psh,v,r,t) }] = %GSw_HydroPumpWithinSeasFrac% ;

* Assign values for water technologies
within_seas_frac(i,v,r)$[i_water_cooling(i)$sum{t, valcap(i,v,r,t) }$Sw_WaterMain]
= sum{ii$ctt_i_ii(i,ii), within_seas_frac(ii,v,r) } ;

* set the duration of each storage duration bin
bin_duration(sdbin) = sdbin.val ;
Expand All @@ -5699,7 +5702,8 @@ cc_storage(i,sdbin)$(cc_storage(i,sdbin) > 1) = 1 ;
* beyond what is available for diurnal peaking capacity
cc_storage(i,'8760') = 0 ;

bin_penalty(sdbin) = 1e-5 * (ord(sdbin) - 1) ;
bin_penalty(sdbin) = 0 ;
bin_penalty(sdbin)$Sw_StorageBinPenalty = 1e-5 * (ord(sdbin) - 1) ;

*upgrade plants assume the same as what they're upgraded to
cc_storage(i,sdbin)$upgrade(i) = sum{ii$upgrade_to(i,ii), cc_storage(ii,sdbin) } ;
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