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NSLS-II Facility API

This is the repository for the NSLS-II Facility API codebase.

Current Status

Integration Tests for Deployed API

Integration Tests for DEV API

Developer Notes

In order to develop locally you will need to have a local MongoDB running.
This can be installed using your preferred method, a native install or running a container work perfectly fine.

Once you have MongoDB up and running you then need to 'seed' the facility and beamline information that does not get pulled from any other source.

The files for the collections can be found within the /nsls2/software/dssi/nsls2core/nsls2core-development.tgz

  1. Copy and unpack the archive into a directory (e.g. nsls2core-development) to your development machine

  2. Import facility information into the local mongodb```

    mongorestore --uri="mongodb://localhost:27017" --nsFrom=nsls2core-development.facilities --nsTo=nsls2core-development.facilities ./nsls2core-development/facilities.bson
  3. Import beamline information into the local mongodb

    mongorestore --uri="mongodb://localhost:27017" --nsFrom=nsls2core-development.beamlines --nsTo=nsls2core-development.beamlines ./nsls2core-development/beamlines.bson

You will then need to create a .env file that contains the configuration (an example can also be found in the same directory as the json files).

  1. Copy /nsls2/software/dssi/nsls2core/.env.development to your local machine
  2. Rename to .env and place in the src/nsls2api directory in your cloned repo (in the same folder as
  3. Ensure that you have the bnlroot.crt file (which is deployed to all BNL managed machines) in the location specified within the .env file.

Code Style

This project uses ruff to format the code - in order to run the formatter simply type:

   uvx ruff format

Code Linting

This project uses ruff to check the code - in order to run the linter simply type:

   uvx ruff check

Updating Dependencies

The project uses uv pip compile to manage the requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt files.

In order to upgrade the packages versions you will need to simply run

uv pip compile --upgrade -o requirements-dev.txt
uv pip compile --upgrade -o requirements.txt

Then in order to actually upgrade the packages

uv pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Of course, you can drop the uv from these last commands if you want to wait longer.