python-template-minimal is a minimal template for python modules at IKTI / NVE.
It contains a minimal set of required elements, like:
- github workflows for dependabot (pip dependencies, GitHub actions)
- recommende folder structure with
- tests using pytest
- and source code in python-template-minimal
The template is private at NVE and deliberately does not contain a license or contributing file. Please note that Open Source python projects need a and file.
To use this repository as a template go to and click on the "Use this repository as template button"
Clone your newly created repository onto your local computer and replace all occurrences of python-template-minimal with the name of your new-repository and adjust the to your project.
Please make sure that your contains the elements required by NVEs Guidelines for git repositories
That is:
Name of the solution, what it does, owner of the solution and responsible developer(group)
required Sould contain information on
- languages used in code
- dependencies
- how to setup a developer environment
- how to build and run the solution
required Add additional documentation, e.g. to, for external repos, nve-wiki for internal repos.
recommended Add a C4-diagram of your solution