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Releases: NVIDIA/cuda-samples

CUDA Samples v12.8

15 Feb 21:34
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CUDA Samples for release 12.8.

CUDA 12.8

  • Updated build system across the repository to CMake. Removed Visual Studio project files and Makefiles.
  • Removed the following outdated samples:
    • 0_Introduction
      • c++11_cuda demonstrating CUDA and C++ 11 interoperability (reason: obsolete)
      • concurrentKernels demonstrating the ability to run multiple kernels simultaneously (reason: obsolete)
      • cppIntegration demonstrating calling between .cu and .cpp files (reason: obsolete)
      • cppOverload demonstrating C++ function overloading (reason: obsolete)
      • simpleSeparateCompilation demonstrating NVCC compilation to a static library (reason: trivial)
      • simpleTemplates_nvrtc demonstrating NVRTC usage for simpleTemplates sample (reason: redundant)
      • simpleVoteIntrinsics_nvrtc demonstrating NVRTC usage for simpleVoteIntrinsics sample (reason: redundant)
    • 2_Concepts_and_Techniques
      • cuHook demonstrating dlsym hooks. (reason: incompatible with modern glibc)
    • 4_CUDA_Libraries
      • batchedLabelMarkersAndLabelCompressionNPP demonstrating NPP features (reason: some functionality removed from library)
    • 5_Domain_Specific
      • Legacy Direct3D 9 and 10 interoperability samples:
        • fluidsD3D9
        • simpleD3D10
        • simpleD3D10RenderTarget
        • simpleD3D10Texture
        • simpleD3D9
        • simpleD3D9Texture
        • SLID3D10Texture
        • VFlockingD3D10
    • 8_Platform_Specific/Tegra
      • Temporarily removed the following two samples pending updates:
        • nbody_screen demonstrating the nbody sample in QNX
        • simpleGLES_screen demonstrating GLES interop in QNX
  • Moved the following Tegra-specific samples to a dedicated subdirectory: 8_Platform_Specific/Tegra
    • EGLSync_CUDAEvent_Interop
    • cuDLAErrorReporting
    • cuDLAHybridMode
    • cuDLALayerwiseStatsHybrid
    • cuDLALayerwiseStatsStandalone
    • cuDLAStandaloneMode
    • cudaNvSciNvMedia
    • fluidsGLES
    • nbody_opengles
    • simpleGLES
    • simpleGLES_EGLOutput

CUDA Samples v12.5

25 Jul 16:33
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Updates CUDA Samples for 12.5

CUDA Samples v12.4.1

10 Apr 19:48
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Minor Updates to CUDA Samples 12.4

CUDA Samples v12.4

05 Mar 21:03
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Updating README with Confidential Computing notes

CUDA Samples v12.2

18 Feb 20:39
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CUDA Samples v12.3

23 Oct 18:45
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Updating Samples for 12.3 and updating props files

Samples for CUDA 12.1

31 May 04:47
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Samples for CUDA 12.1

CUDA 12.0 Samples

08 Dec 20:21
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Samples for CUDA 12.0

CUDA Samples v11.8

15 Oct 00:45
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Update samples for CUDA 11.8 with correct props

CUDA Samples v11.6

25 Jan 11:48
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This version supports CUDA Toolkit 11.6.