#Real-time traffic pattern collection and analysis model (TPCAM)
The TPCAM traffic surveillance system is implemented as a object tracking by detection model.
The object detection and classification model used is YOLO, a convolutional neural network. We use darknet neural network framework, to run the model.
Object tracking functionality is the one major component of a traffic surveillance system. With tracking, the system will learn the motion of vehicles in the video.
The lane mapping system provides real-time lane information. Thus, the system understand when a vehicle enter or exit lanes, how long a vehicle wait at intersections, and in general the traffic flux.
We used DGX to train our models under evaluation and check their performance. We had a round of evaluations mainly with pre-trained weights, YOLO and Faster-RCNN.
As we need real-time performance, we are going ahead with YOLO. We are using the neural network framework: “darknet“ to explore the models, especially YOLO here.
##Darknet (Supporting tracker!!)
Check "BUILD INSTRUCTIONS" section below.
##Why Darknet?
- The framework is written in C and CUDA.
- Code is easy to understand.
- We can easily build the code, tweak the framework for our evaluation needs and application prototyping (especially for AI City Challenge Track 2).
###Darknet Dependencies
- OpenCV,
- gstreamer-1.0,
- gtk-3.0-dev.
Refer to Darknet official site : https://pjreddie.com/darknet/
###Steps to build darknet image
- Get Darknet source code from git clone : https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet.git
- In Makefile, change the following macros: GPU=1 OPENCV=1 CUDANN=1
- $make
##Object Tracker:
first build the sjtracker: Pre-requisite: OpenCV and OpenCV_contrib. Follow: http://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html to install both of them. [We don't need python for now].
cd objtracker/ ./build.sh
###Installing Dependencies Check References below (if you’re installing this on personal machines).
In DGX, NVIDIA has provided us an image: “aic/darknet” which might be a fork of https://hub.docker.com/r/jh800222/darknet/.
NVIDIA DGX Index: ssh [email protected] You can extend the image by:
- nvidia-docker run -it -v /datasets:/datasets -v /data:/data -v /home/aic:/home/aic aic/darknet
- exit
- nvidia-docker ps -a [Not down the container-ID]
- nvidia-docker commit ac9b2bceb2b7 yournewcontainername/new_darknet_image_name Say, example: nvidia-docker commit ac9b2bceb2b7 test/darknet_test
- Run your new image: nvidia-docker run -it -v /datasets:/datasets -v /data:/data -v /home/aic:/home/aic test/darknet_test
- Remember to commit back your work using steps 2) and 3) above.
##Training YOLO (or any model) using darknet Even if the document below talks about training YOLO, you could use darknet to train any other model - you’d just want to find or develop .cfg file (similar to yolo-aic.cfg) laying down the neural network in darknet’s “network” format. Already the
###Generating dataset NVIDIA has provided us the dataset in darknet format at /dataset/aic*-darknet/.
For more info on generating this format, Dataset folders (generating train.txt and valid.txt)
###Training dataset information (train.txt) Generate train.txt with details of training data images (path to all jpegs at dataset/train/images/).
To do that: (you can train only 1080p images or choose to train all data)
$cd /datasets/aic1080-darknet/train/images/
> /workspace/darknet/train.txt
$vi /workspace/darknet/train1080.txt
And delete the first line “/datasets/aic*-darknet/train/images”
###Validation dataset information (valid.txt)
Generate valid.txt with details of validation data images (path to all jpegs at dataset/val/images/). To do that: (you can train only 1080p images or choose to train all data)
$cd /datasets/aic1080-darknet/val/images/
> /workspace/darknet/valid.txt
$vi /workspace/darknet/valid.txt
And delete the first line “/datasets/aic*-darknet/val/images”
#####Advanced (where we wish to train 540p and 480p images): Generate valid*.txt in a way similar to the one followed for train*.txt we followed above. $cat valid540.txt >> valid.txt $cat valid480.txt >> valid.txt
Now we have train.txt and valid.txt files which are essential input to yolo.c file below which read these and loads images for training.
###Code changes
Quick Hack: [Use my darknet code at: “https://github.com/unnikrishnankgs/darknet_aic.git”]
[Still do read the below text to get some detail on training and improving the precision at training or inference; Also go over the Reference links provided].
examples/yolo.c has the code to train and validate YOLO’s neural network as defined in a config file, say cfg/yolo-aic.cfg.
Changes required to start training:
Change the class labels
Paths to train.txt, valid.txt.
“jpeg” support:
In file examples/yolo.c and src/data.c
- Find the source line: “find_replace(labelpath, ".jpg", ".txt", labelpath);”
- Just add below this line: find_replace(labelpath, ".jpeg", ".txt", labelpath);
Change in files examples/yolo.c and src/data.c: “labels” to “annotations” as our labels, the .txt files in darknet format are in a folder named “annotations”.
###Configuring the YOLO model for your own classes
Copy cfg/yolo-voc.2.0.cfg to cfg/yolo-aic.cfg and:
change line batch to batch=64
change line subdivisions to subdivisions=8
change line classes=20 to your number of objects
change line #237 from filters=125 to filters=(classes + 5)*5 (generally this depends on the num and coords, i.e. equal to (classes + coords + 1)*num)
For example, for 2 objects, your file yolo-aic.cfg should differ from yolo-voc.2.0.cfg in such lines: [convolutional] filters=35
[region] classes=2
Also, there are a number of factors determining each of the hyperparameters that we could play with. Read the paper: “https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.02640.pdf” for a detailed idea.Advanced (when training with multiple resolutions): Change in the config file: random=1
- Create file aic.names in the directory darknet/data, with objects names - each in new line
Create file aic.data in the directory darknet/cfg, containing (where classes = number of objects):
classes= 2
train = train.txt
valid = valid.txt
names = data/aic.names
backup = backup/
###Command to Train Yolo
Start training by using pre-trained weights at darknet19_448.conv.23.
$ ./darknet detector train cfg/aic.data cfg/yolo-aic.cfg /data/team1_darknet/darknet19_448.conv.23
Look out for the error value in the prints during training: “863: 10.842213, 12.363435 avg, 0.001000 rate, 3.092381 seconds, 55232 images”
Above, 12.363435 is the avg loss (error) - the lower the better. Stop when this value no longer decrease.
$ ./darknet detector demo cfg/aic.data cfg/yolo-aic.cfg ~/aic/weights_22Jul/yolo-aic_20000.weights video_file.mp4
If you want to add image-list support, please check: src/demo.c [demo()]
Just use the cvCaptureFromFile() openCV function in a loop. It can open jpeg files (tested). If you want to use our image list support, please clone the code from "https://github.com/unnikrishnankgs/va/darknet" .
###Improving Object detection
set flag random=1 in your .cfg-file
This will increase precision by training Yolo for different resolutions. desirable that your training dataset include images with objects at different: scales, rotations, lightings, from different sides.
Increase network-resolution by set in your .cfg-file (height=608 and width=608) or (height=832 and width=832) or (any value multiple of 32)
This increases the precision and makes it possible to detect small objects: you do not need to train the network again, just use .weights-file already trained for 416x416 resolution. if error Out of memory occurs then in .cfg-file you should increase subdivisions=16, 32 or 64.
To understand how to provide dataset in darknet format (this part you can skip as AIC provided dataset in darknet format already - check /dataset/aic*-darknet/) and start training. http://guanghan.info/blog/en/my-works/train-yolo/
FAQ, check: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/darknet
For more details on training: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet This repo support darknet on windows as well - if you'd like to explore.
Further, and precise info on training can be understood here: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/
Read in full this paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.02640.pdf
##Training Log (YOLO with varied resolution images)
Start <11:14PM; 21 July 2017>
Initial error (loss) is 567.619568 avg
Learning Rate: 0.0001, Momentum: 0.9, Decay: 0.0005
Loaded: 0.278593 seconds
Region Avg IOU: 0.039510, Class: 0.070006, Obj: 0.882857, No Obj: 0.605082, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 70
Region Avg IOU: 0.087610, Class: 0.048507, Obj: 0.814675, No Obj: 0.612921, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 60
Region Avg IOU: 0.081044, Class: 0.090126, Obj: 0.841568, No Obj: 0.610928, Avg Recall: 0.028571, count: 35
Region Avg IOU: 0.077334, Class: 0.060487, Obj: 0.863747, No Obj: 0.609307, Avg Recall: 0.020833, count: 48
Region Avg IOU: 0.091529, Class: 0.105527, Obj: 0.827922, No Obj: 0.608573, Avg Recall: 0.015152, count: 66
Region Avg IOU: 0.095050, Class: 0.097945, Obj: 0.785659, No Obj: 0.611849, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 57
Region Avg IOU: 0.057396, Class: 0.062096, Obj: 0.855653, No Obj: 0.611102, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 46
Region Avg IOU: 0.062572, Class: 0.061896, Obj: 0.879083, No Obj: 0.606627, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 59
1: 579.688782, 579.688782 avg, 0.000100 rate, 4.808942 seconds, 64 images
Loaded: 0.236752 seconds
Region Avg IOU: 0.039949, Class: 0.058983, Obj: 0.856535, No Obj: 0.565383, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 34
Region Avg IOU: 0.057890, Class: 0.089828, Obj: 0.861219, No Obj: 0.555358, Avg Recall: 0.017241, count: 58
Region Avg IOU: 0.058388, Class: 0.053862, Obj: 0.856842, No Obj: 0.562076, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 39
Region Avg IOU: 0.050058, Class: 0.061257, Obj: 0.808184, No Obj: 0.556428, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 52
Region Avg IOU: 0.113416, Class: 0.093405, Obj: 0.804404, No Obj: 0.565583, Avg Recall: 0.035714, count: 28
Region Avg IOU: 0.070091, Class: 0.059165, Obj: 0.777204, No Obj: 0.565168, Avg Recall: 0.017544, count: 57
Region Avg IOU: 0.050121, Class: 0.094414, Obj: 0.828460, No Obj: 0.560315, Avg Recall: 0.020000, count: 50
Region Avg IOU: 0.063240, Class: 0.057796, Obj: 0.855727, No Obj: 0.559162, Avg Recall: 0.000000, count: 58
2: 458.996521, 567.619568 avg, 0.000100 rate, 4.587730 seconds, 128 images
Loaded: 0.532047 seconds\
###GPU Utilization on DGX: $ nvidia-smi
Sat Jul 22 06:21:21 2017
| NVIDIA-SMI 375.66 | Driver Version: 375.66 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| 0 Tesla P100-SXM2... On | 0000:00:08.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 49C P0 196W / 300W | 5633MiB / 16276MiB | 99% Default |
| Processes: GPU Memory |
| GPU PID Type Process name Usage |
| 0 26340 C ./darknet 5631MiB |
Our traffic pattern collection is modelled with darknet framework running CNN(YOLO) for detection and our object tracking methodology. \
Support for object tracking (we currently use MEDIAN_FLOW, and optical flow) \
Edge computing support - fasten up real-time data consumption, say for a camera feed using a multi-algorithmic approach \
Read our paper "Real-time traffic pattern collection and analysis model (TPCAM)" for more information \
Further info: [email protected] \
Ubuntu; Tested on TX2 and an NVIDIA 1080 GTX enabled PC.
General Pre-req: \
OpenCV with opencv_contrib [Mandatory]
Object Tracker:
first build the sjtracker: Pre-requisite: OpenCV and OpenCV_contrib. Follow: http://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html to install both of them. [We don't need python for now].
$cd objtracker/
Darknet (Supporting tracker!!):
$cd darknet_track/
OR (build both together using a single script):
$cd darknet_track/
Download YOLO trained weights:
Example (Please supply a 480p video - the lane information is scaled for 480p):
source exports.sh
./darknet detector demo cfg/aic.data cfg/yolo-aic.cfg your_yolo-aic_final.weights 1080p_WALSH_ST_000.mp4 > out.txt
If you'd like to supply another video resolution:
edit src/demo.c line 997, 998
After the complete video is analysed, traffic patter is dumped in:
- this is a text file in JSON format.
unable to load libraries?
Dynamic library paths if not in the system defined paths shall be set via LD_LIBRARY_PATH on linux systems (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in OS X) See: darknet_track/exports.sh; no need to edit for linux; Just do: $cd darknet_track $source exports.sh
MORE: Please see: src/demo.c for implementation Use MACRO: DISPLAY_RESULTS if you want to see it in action.
(By default this is enabled)
Read: include/darknet_exp.h for the interface.
Call darknet using run_detector_model() function. The data structures should be self-explanatory [We shall add documentation soon..]
1) Error: "Killed" after the neural network load.
Mostly the memory allocation might have overrun the GPU memory capability.
Open: darknet_track/cfg/yolo-aic.cfg
change lines 4,5:
to a lower value; for example:
width and height shall be multiple of 32!
2) OpenCV_contrib build error: dependency opencv_dnn: wouldn't build tracking module.
This is a bug in OpenCV on TX2.
Please clone latest OpenCV code and install following the instructions at http://opencv.org/
> Tutorials > Introduction to OpenCV > Installation in Linux.