Ray Tracing
New notebook: Tutorial on Coverage Maps.
It computes coverage maps for different precoding vectors, visualizes metrics like path gain, received signal strength (RSS), and signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), estimates user-to-transmitter associations, and samples user positions for the generation of channel impulse responses -
Scene extended with bandwidth and temperature properties
Transmitter extended with a transmit power property in Watt and dBm
CoverageMap extended to compute SINR maps and RSS maps, in addition to the already existing path gain maps
CoverageMap extended to compute and visualize cell-to-transmitter association
CoverageMap extended to compute and visualize the CDF of path gain, RSS, or SINR
show() property of CoverageMap extended to visualize SINR and RSS maps in addition to the existing path gain
maps -
Adds feature to Scene.coverage_map to execute multiple runs of shoot-and-bounce to compute coverage maps. This allows computing coverage maps using large number of rays despite memory limitation
Breaking Change:
replaced by path_gain, rss, and sinr properties
Pseudo-random generators can be configured from the config module to ensure reproducible results, for Python, Numpy and TensorFlow
New config.seed property to configure all Python, Numpy and TensorFlow pseudo-random generator seeds at once
- Adds feature to prepend cyclic prefixes to OFDM symbols of different lengths (see OFDMModulator and the related PR #465)
- Adds feature to produce Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) grid of beams for uniform linear and rectangular MIMO antenna arrays
Addresses the significant increase in memory footprint for path and coverage map computations introduced in version 0.18
Fixes the skewness of the UTs position distribution toward the center of the sector generated via drop_uts_in_sector, ensuring a uniform distribution across the sector
Fixes ray leakage in coverage map computation (#564)
Fixes the application of precoding vector in coverage map computation in the presence of multiple transmitters
Fixes object IDs issues in ray tracer: Scene objects now always have contiguous indices starting from 0
Fixes missing scenes in Docker (#597)