Preparing the data: base-level read-count of the exonic regions of both sample and control data using samtools and BEDTools
$ samtools view -bh -L exom.bed tumor.bam > tumor_filteredexon.bam
$ samtools view -bh -L exom.bed normal.bam > control_filteredexon.bam
$ samtools view -H tumor_filteredexon.bam | grep -P "@SQ\tSN:" | sed 's/@SQ\tSN://' | sed 's/\tLN:/\t/' > genome.txt
$ sort -k1,1V genome.txt > s-genome.txt
$ bedtools genomecov -ibam tumor_filteredexon.bam -d -g s-genome.txt > tumor.cov
$ bedtools genomecov -ibam control_filteredexon.bam -d -g s-genome.txt > normal.cov
$ awk '{if ($1==1) {print}}' tumor.cov > tumor_chr1.cov
$ awk '{if ($1==1) {print}}' normal.cov > normal_chr1.cov
$ awk '{print $3}' tumor_chr1.cov > tumorreads.txt
$ awk '{print $3}' normal_chr1.cov > normalreads.txt
$ bwa mem -t $processor -r "@RG\tID:singlecell\tSM:singlecell" $ref 0_1.fq 0_2.fq > 0.sam
$ bwa mem -t $processor -r "@RG\tID:singlecell\tSM:singlecell" $ref 1_1.fq 1_2.fq > 1.sam
$ samtools sort -O sam -o 0.sam -T "TMP" 0.sam
$ samtools sort -O sam -o 1.sam -T "TMP" 1.sam
$ samtools view -hbS 0.sam > 0.bam
$ samtools view -hbS 1.sam > 1.bam
$ samtools merge cell.bam 0.bam 1.bam -f
$ samtools sort -o cell.sorted.beforedup.bam cell.bam
$ samtools rmdup cell.sorted.beforedup.bam cell.sorted.bam
$ samtools index cell.sorted.bam
$ computeGCBias -b sorted.bam --effectiveGenomeSize 2864785220 -g hg19.2bit --GCbiasFrequenciesFile freq.txt -l 200
$ correctGCBias -b sorted.bam --effectiveGenomeSize 2864785220 -g hg19.2bit --GCbiasFrequenciesFile freq.txt -o gc_correct.bam
$ samtools view -b -q 37 -o gc_correct-filtered37.bam gc_correct${j}.bam
$ bamToBed -i gc_correct${j}-filtered37.bam > /labs/Nabavi/Fatimahome/singlecelldata/simulated/${ploidy}/TSCNV/bedfiles/gc_correct-filtered37.bed
$ awk '{print $1="chr"$1 "\t" $2}' gc_correct${j}-filtered37.bed > /gc_correct-filtered37-pos.txt
$ samtools view -H gc_correct-filtered37.bam | grep -P "@SQ\tSN:" | sed 's/@SQ\tSN://' | sed 's/\tLN:/\t/' > genome.bed
$ sort -k1,1V genome.bed > s-genome.bed
$ bedtools makewindows -g s-genome.bed -w W -i srcwinnum > windows.bed
$ bedtools coverage -abam gc_correct-filtered37.bam -b windows.bed > cov.bed
$ bedtools groupby -i cov.bed -g 1,2,3 -c 13 > groupby.cov.bed
$ awk '($1!="MT") &&($1!="Y")&&($1!="X")' groupby.cov.bed > groupby22.cov.bed
$ samtools index gc_correct-filtered37.bam
$ bedtools multicov -bams gc_correct-filtered37.bam -bed windows.bed > readcounts.bed
Above are the MATLAB and Python Versions of the code.