Monorepo template for Vue.js applications and libraries
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I've built this monorepo template for frontend libraries and applications based on Yarn workspaces and Nx.
The ease of code reusability as well as good starting point for optimized builds will provide you
a solid foundation for projects that are expected to grow.
Although this template is focused on the Vue.js framework, it can be easily adapted to other ones.
The template contains a few example libraries and applications with some basic functionality.
It also demonstrates the connections between them such as usage of outsourced components and composables.
- example application using shared libraries.@monorepo/commons
- shared library with some useful helpers and Vue composables.@monorepo/ui
- shared library with basic styling, starter components and Storybook.
npm install -g yarn
Why yarn?
Because we are using monorepo structure, we have to use so called
as well.
implementation is far superior to the npm one, by providing more features and better performance.For example package hoisting, which allows us installing dependencies in the root
and save time and dependency management overhead are working much better in Yarn.
Good explanation of the struggle with npm caveats is provided in this article ;)
Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies
yarn run init
Start the development server
# Start the app_1 cd apps/app_1 yarn run dev # Start the Storybook cd libs/ui yarn nx storybook -p 6006
All commands, tips and documentation for used tools and libraries can be found in the file.
Distributed under the MIT License. See for details.
Dawid Nitka - LinkedIn
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