ver 1.2 Lightweight growl notifications for WPF projects based on sperated project to a useable library and a test project. added easy support for choosing the location of the notifications. added subtitle and color support for all Toast components rebranded.
Tested on Visaul Studio 2013 with .Net 4.5 On Windows 7
_toastsManager = new ToastsManager(NotificationLocation.TopRight);//create new manager and choose where messages appear
var uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resources/notification-icon.png");
var bitmap = new BitmapImage(uri);//load icon
_toastsManager.AddNotification(new Toaster.Toast
Title = "Mesage #1",
Image = bitmap,
Message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi."
TextColor = Colors.Green
SubTitle = "SubTitleText"
BackgroundColor = Colors.NavajoWhite