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Releases: Nain57/Smart-AutoClicker

Klick'r 3.3.0-beta04

08 Mar 15:46
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Klick'r 3.3.0-beta04 Pre-release


This is a beta build.
It might be unstable so please backup your scenarios before updating to this version. It will be only availble on direct download here, and not on PlayStore/FDroid.

  • Fix a rounding issue with some configurations leading to images not detected

Klick'r 3.3.0-beta03

01 Mar 13:35
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Klick'r 3.3.0-beta03 Pre-release


This is a beta build.
It might be unstable so please backup your scenarios before updating to this version. It will be only availble on direct download here, and not on PlayStore/FDroid.

  • Fix Tutorial display issues
  • Fix some ANR caused by external libs
  • Workaround implementation for Google Pixels on Android 15 (see #599): A workaround to fix the click blocking issue is to click with three fingers on the screen. As it is impossible for Klick'r to detect when this bug occurs, a triple click will be injected on the top left of the screen every 10s. You can control this workaround in the settings. This is available only if you can be impacted by the bug, for all other users, this changes nothing.

This last issue is really difficult to reproduce, and I don't have a Pixel Phone so I really count on you to test it !

Klick'r 3.3.0-beta02

22 Feb 13:28
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Klick'r 3.3.0-beta02 Pre-release


This is a beta build.
It might be unstable so please backup your scenarios before updating to this version. It will be only availble on direct download here, and not on PlayStore/FDroid.

Attempt to fix clicking issues on Pixel devices with Android 15. Robustify gesture dispatching against unwanted system behaviour and add gesture results statistics via dumpsys

Klick'r 3.3.0-beta01

15 Feb 17:24
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Klick'r 3.3.0-beta01 Pre-release


This is a beta build.
It might be unstable so please backup your scenarios before updating to this version. It will be only availble on direct download here, and not on PlayStore/FDroid.

This release focuses on QoL as well as stabilization and code cleanup.

New feature: Adjust condition threshold while testing (#548)

When testing a condition, it can be annoying to always have to go back to the condition dialog to change the theshold. With this, the user will spend less time travaling between dialogs.

New feature: Filters on the scenario list (#529)

When you are using Klick'r to automize a lot of things, the home screen of the app can quickly becomme crowded, and a simple search was'nt enough. Now, there is a filter header allowing to order/filter the scenario list in different ways.

You can disable this header in the application settings.

Other features

  • Rework detection quality configuration display
  • Allow to reorder image conditions (#565)
  • You can now use other counter values in counter operations (#576)
  • Support Android 15 Edge to Edge display

Bugfix and improvements

  • Cleanup native code and reduce memory footprint (~12%) and improve stability.
  • Use TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY as overlay window type to avoid getting flagged as untrusted touch event source
  • Fix background color issues in some dialogs

As usual, I'm waiting for your feedback on this version!

Klick'r 3.2.2

16 Jan 12:52
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  • Fix UX in Scenario list when user was using navigation bar (#596)
  • PlayStore version: Fix ads loading error blocking the user from using the app

Klick'r 3.2.1

11 Jan 11:51
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Fix a possible silent crash when turning off the overlay

Obfuscated version

I've had a lot of positive feedback for the Nightly Obfuscated version, so I will remove the experimental warning from the release note. Thank you for all beta testers of this feature!

Klick'r 3.2.0

04 Jan 15:14
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New Settings menu

As the app is growing and gaining more and more feature, a place to keep the settings was necessary:
Capture d'écran 2025-01-04 155953

You can access this screen from the Scenario screen, using the top right settings icon.

Notification rework

As you have probably seen in the previous settings, there is now a new notification using custom buttons.

  • Expanded:
    Capture d'écran 2025-01-04 160106

  • Collapsed:
    Capture d'écran 2025-01-04 160347

  • If you don't like it, you can use the legacy one by changing it in the settings screen. It has been slightly reworked to ease its use:
    Capture d'écran 2025-01-04 160404

Casting permission changes

With Android 15, user are now prompted to select a target to cast in when requesting the media projection. And the selected target is always "One App", which can be limitating for user when using complex scenario. Also, this dialog don't keep track of the user choice, which forces the user to select "Entire screen" at every start of Klick'r.

To fix that you have now access to a setting that tries to force the default value to "Entire screen". This can work on most devices, but keep in mind that some device manufacturer might chose to ignore it.

Capture d'écran 2025-01-04 160042

Obfuscated version

Some user have complained that Klick'r is starting to get detected in some apps. To fix that, I introduce you to Klick'r Obfuscated Nigthly.
This specific version of Klick'r is generated every night based on the latest stable release of Klick'r but with a twist: everything publicly exposed by the app is randomized.

I won't go into details of what is modified and how (for obvious reasons), but here are the visible changes for the user:

  • each nightly version is standalone, you won't be able to update from on to another. Use the import/export feature to get your sceanrios
  • the name of the application is randomized as well, so it will be called something like "qdsqjhqdskh"

This is an experimental build for now, and I hope for your feedback on Klick'r detection by other apps.

The apk will be available on this release note:
It will be updated automatically everyday with a new randomization

Klick'r Nightly Obfuscated

04 Jan 13:30
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This version is based on the latest release of Klick'r. It is randomized and rebuilt everyday in order to avoid being blocked by another app. The package attached to this release note will be updated automatically once the randomized build is finished.

As the application id will change, you won't be able to update from any of Klick'r version to this version. Instead, you will need to manually export your scenario and then, re-import them into the newly installed app.

Also note that even the application name is randomized, don't be surprised once installed in your launcher !

Klick'r 3.1.1

08 Dec 12:54
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  • Fix import of some scenario generated with versions 3.0.x (#561)
  • Fix a possible crash with unusual user action Intents
  • Fix a crash when changing the state of a trigger event appearing after in the list
  • Fix a possible crash when loosing the media projection permission

Klick'r 3.1.0

30 Nov 15:47
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New Action: Notifications

You can now send notification to your device as an action in Smart scenarios.

  • Print a predefined text, or display the value of one of your counters
  • 3 predifined alerting profiles, and you can customize them in the notification settings of you device.
  • Notifications are limited by the system, we can't spam them at autoclicker speed. To ensure Klick'r is not muted, notifications are batched and updated every 2s

Capture d'écran 2024-11-17 153950

New Click Action feature: Click Offset

When clicking on the detected condition, you can now define an offset from the condition center, allowing to click relatively to the detected condition position.

Capture d'écran 2024-11-02 143822

New event setting: Keep detecting

Something that has never been clear for Klick'r users is why image events have priorities and why only one event at their list is detected. By default, Klick'r stops the event list processing as soon as one event is fullfiled, and restart the processing from the first event as soon as a new screen frame is available.
Now, this is still the case, but the user can enable/disable it via a setting in each event, allowing more flow control and maybe more understanding of the app by the users.

Capture d'écran 2024-11-17 154055


  • MediaProjection permission can now be requested again if lost while a scenario is loaded
  • Confirmation is now asked when closing whitout saving a configuration dialog with user changes
  • Scenario are now collapsible in the Scenario list
  • Add a button to copy a scenario in the scenario list
  • Reuse the previous screen frame if a new one is not available yet after a processing iteration (this might have some light impact on your scenario timings)
  • Display fulfillment state instead of detection state in ImageCondition try screen (#551)
  • Fix menu hidden via notification prevents (#557)