A leaderboard is a useful tool for games and gamified apps providing rankings of users based on score of each user.
For the details, see http://www.sotopless.com.
- Mac OS X
- Ubuntu Linux
- libcrypto is required. In Ubuntu, run sudo apt-get install libssl-dev.
- wget is required to download boost library to build it in deps/build.sh script.
- gcc 4.7.x is required to build and test SoTopless server and client.
- OSX users using MacPorts need to upgrade gcc to 4.7.3_2 otherwise xUnit will crash at __once_proxy function. For the details see following link. http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.apple.macports.user/32617
Followings are list of leaderboard features to implement.
- Post a new score of a user.
- Get top N users with scores from a leaderboard.
- Get rank and score of a user from a leaderboard.
- Add different kinds of leaderboards such as weekly, monthly, Asia, Europe, etc.
SoTopless is an open source software with AGPL v3 license. A commercial license which includes an Apache v2 license is available for project owners not willing to open their source codes.