Releases: NathanKell/RealSolarSystem
RealSolarSystem v8.1
*Completely revised loading system to use coroutines, added GUI. RSS will now load at the main menu, over a period of time to allow garbage collection to run. RAM usage should no longer spike as badly. Many thanks to stupid_chris for getting me set up with coroutines, and to Sarbian for help fixing some remaining issues. While loading may take slightly longer, you should be able to use more textures/parts, and you now get a handy GUI to track status.
*Support calling textures from GameDatabase for the scaled space textures (SSColor, SSBump). This allows use combined with Sarbian's DDSLoader.
*Added FOR[] for the LaunchSites MM patch
*Updated to Custom Biomes 1.6.7
RealSolarSystem v8.0
*Update to ModuleManager v2.5.0.
*Update to KSP 0.25.
*Removed some useless checks.
RealSolarSystem v7.4
v7.4 /
*Upgrade to ModuleManager 2.4.5.
*metaphor: add pressure/temperature curves for Jupiter.
*eggrobin: improve curves for solar panel power, Earth pressure and temperature.
*Use compatibility info, now.
RealSolarSystem v7.3
v7.3 /
*Added LightShifter (ported by regex, based on Alternis Kerbol source). You can now adjust light. See wiki for details.
*Update to Custom Biomes 1.6.6
*Now supports ModuleManager 2.3.x (Launch Sites work again)
*asmi: fixed Baikonur elevation and default azimuth
*regex: can now set PQS radius independent of CB radius
*Updated message display on change KSC location to use display name, not internal name
*Add more attempts at garbage collection during RSS load; they probably run as coroutines and therefore it doesn't help, but...
*Darkened Earth a bit (was too bright for non-EVE users(
*Upgrade to Module Manager 2.3.3
RealSolarSystem v7.2
v7.2 /
*Add camera clip distance changing to the inflight GUI (ALT+G)
*Moved to using a ModuleManager patch for Custom Asteroids, since it has some issues in .24.2. Use CustomAsteroids only if you want...
*Change the name of the Mercury heightmap in the cfg; the texture has a typo in its name, and rather than having everyone redownload textures, I merely changed the cfg to not have an i in the filename.
*Fix big bug with Watchdog (no more black skies)
*Add patch for (forthcoming) RealHeat for RSS atmospheres.
*Change Earth atmosphere and surface coloration a bit
*Add metaphor's curves for Venus, Mars, and Titan.
*Do garbage collection during RSS run (thanks Addie!). RSS should work at higher memory loads in 32bit.
RealSolarSystem v7.1
v7.1 /
*Update to Custom Biomes 1.6.4
*Give Earth's terrain more texture
*fix AFG bug.
RealSolarSystem v7.0
v7.0 /
*Scaled Space scaling/wrapping now plays nice with other mods and does not require OBJ files. Loads fast.
*regex: support changing orbitColor in Orbit nodes (as standard float RGBA color). dimonnomid adds colors for all RSS bodies.
*Fix to display the Display Name of the launch site when showing the icons on the planet in Tracking Station view.
*Fail gracefully when textures are missing.
*Include Custom Biomes and configs. Custom Biomes by Trueborn. Biome map by Subcidal. Only Earth supported so far.
*Include Custom Asteroids. Custom Asteroids by Starstrider42, config by SpacedInvader
*Support new images for every planet by default (will fail gracefully if not found)
*Added ability to edit and add more PQSMods, and to disable any PQSMod.
*Changed oceanColor (in Export node) to use 4-value color.
*Added ability to change the color ramp on the rim of scaled space shaders, either by specifying a file via SSRamp, or another body's by SSRampRef.
*Added ability to change specular color of scaled space shader via SSSpec.
*Refactored AtmosphereFromGround code to work better, allow changing more values, etc.
*Include new textures for all bodies thanks to SpacedInvader, dimonnomid, and the sources (see above)
*Include atmospher changes for all bodies
*Bug in initial orbital positions of all bodies is fixed. Note that craft in the SOI of the Sun will be off course, so BE CAREFUL. You may have to wait until your craft reach their destination SOIs before using v7.
*Added support for changing flight camera clipping distances (for use with EVE).
*Lowered max atmosphere altitudes to match approximate height of 1Pa dynamic pressure at 12,000m/s. Earth's is now 130km, for example.
*Compiled for 0.24.2 x64
RealSolarSystem v6.2
v6.2 /
*PQS->ScaledSpace wrapping now works and caches correctly. Wrap now defaults to false for backwards compatibility. RSS will export obj files (with extra lines using keyword t for vertex tangents) for all wrapped meshes, and import them (if they exist) instead of wrapping. NOTE: If you change any PQS settings (let alone changing RSS configs!) you MUST delete all .obj files in GameData/RealSolarSystem/PluginData! NOTE 2: If you don't already have cached meshes, and/or you delete them all, KSP WILL APPEAR TO HANG on the "Loading..." screen right before Main Menu. This is NORMAL. Let it run. It takes me about 15 minutes. After that, you'll get your usual load times.
*regex: fixed Space Center initial camera height (for when camera is under terrain)
*tons of launch sites from eggrobin!
*regex: fixes for KSCSwitcher; new icon; now saves and loads selected KSC location with your persistence file; shows descriptions; icons hidden on zoomout; can click to set map to focus on selected location.
*Update to ModuleManager 2.1.5
*tweaked Earth's horizon glow a bit
RealSolarSystem v6.1
v6.1 /
*Fixed only changing things if radius differs
*Fixed to work on non-Windows platforms (regex)
*Fixed many atmosphere and temperature curves (eggrobin)
*Fixed misc typos
*Added Moon retexture from SpacedInvader
*Added bodyName support
*Parsing changes, using stupid_chris's ConfigNodeExtensions
*Added KSCSwitcher from regex: can switch KSC to other presets in the Tracking Station
*Added many, many launch site configurations (compiled by eggrobin from the work by Captain Party, ferram, and others)
*Added new descriptions to all Celestial Bodies, thanks to TheKosmonaut/SpaceAnt
*Speedup in timewarpchecker from swamp_ig
*Added support for PQS->scaledspace wrapping (for real this time; didn't work before).
*Added support for replacing scaledspace meshes with spheres (use this for now, importing is broken)
*Added support for compressing normals (defaults to true)
Real Solar System v6
v6 /
*Changed Kerbin's heightmap, textures, and PQSMods to resemble Earth (allow replacing heightmaps, SS diffuse, and SS normal maps)
*PQSCity and MapDecalTangent can be positioned by latitude/longitude
*Modify scaledspace meshes based on PQS terrain automatically on game load
*Add many new PQSMod settings and limited add/remove support.
*Fixed orbit lines (thanks HoneyFox!)
*Added pressureCurve support with curves for Earth, Venus, and Mars (megathanks Starwaster!)
*Added temperatureCurve support (nothing here yet)
*Fixed a typo with tidally locked orbits (thanks eggrobin!)
*Converted orbits to Earth-relative inclination, to support axial tilt (megathanks eggrobbin!)
*Recompiled for .23.5