Automated simple backup script for Linux. MySQL backup included and FTP transfer. Backups are therefore on hard disk and on remote FTP server.
1 - Open a terminal or connect with SSH to your server
2 - Install requiered paquets (rsync ncftp crontab):
Debian, Ubuntu, ... : apt-get install rsync ncftp crontab
Fedora: yum install rsync ncftp crontab
OpenSUSE: zypper install rsync ncftp crontab
ArchLinux: pacman -S rsync ncftp crontab
Other: Google > "distribution_name install paquet"
3 - Create save folders:
mkdir /var/backup && mkdir /var/backup/rsync && mkdir /var/backup/final
4 - Edit following lines in the script with your needs:
mysqldump >> --password=MySQLRootPassword
rsync >> /folder/do/you/want/to/backup/
ncftpput >> -u username
-p password
You can also edit the default working folder. On my script default working folder is /var/backup
5 - You can add other rsync lines if you want to backup more folders and files
6 - Make the script executable:
Command: chmod +x /location/of/bacup_script
7 - Cron your script for backups occur automatically when you want.
Command: crontab -e
Add on the end of the file this:
0 5 * * * bash /location/of/bacup_script
In this case the backup will every day at 5am, you can change the time when baccup occur with your needs following the functioning of Cron. Cron on Wikipedia:
Save the crontab file.
Go on the folder where the script is placed and start script.
Command: ./bacup_script