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OpenFX plugin programming guide (Invert plugin walkthrough)
- 1st draft 08/24/2014 Alexandre Gauthier-Foichat
- Refined with Pierre Jasmin notes on 02/07/2014
In this part we will examine the source code of the Invert plug-in and comment the relevant parts.
First, let’s take a look at the PluginRegistration.cpp file.
Any plug-in must register in the following function a static factory of the plug-in:
namespace OFX
namespace Plugin
void getPluginIDs(OFX::PluginFactoryArray &ids)
In the invert example, we made a function in the plug-in named getInvertPluginID
, declared in Invert.h, defined in Invert.cpp and in that function we just instantiate our factory that we declared above:
void getInvertPluginID(OFX::PluginFactoryArray &ids)
static InvertPluginFactory p(kPluginIdentifier, kPluginVersionMajor, kPluginVersionMinor);
The plug-in must be registered with its raw ID (the plug-in identifier for the host application) and its version. The host application can then sort the plug-ins by versions and try to avoid duplicates.
Now that we have that small function, we need to define the InvertPluginFactory
We declare the class in the .cpp file, using the handy macro that was created for that purpose:
mDeclarePluginFactory(InvertPluginFactory, {}, {});
That macro just declares the class and its virtual functions. The virtual functions are the actions that a host can call on the factory, they are:
- The load action
- The unload action
- The describe action
- The describe in context action
- The create instance action
#define mDeclarePluginFactory(CLASS, LOADFUNCDEF, UNLOADFUNCDEF) \
class CLASS : public OFX::PluginFactoryHelper \
{ \
public: \
CLASS(const std::string& id, unsigned int verMaj, unsigned int verMin):OFX::PluginFactoryHelper(id, verMaj, verMin){} \
virtual void load() LOADFUNCDEF ;\
virtual void unload() UNLOADFUNCDEF ;\
virtual void describe(OFX::ImageEffectDescriptor &desc); \
virtual void describeInContext(OFX::ImageEffectDescriptor &desc, OFX::ContextEnum context); \
virtual OFX::ImageEffect* createInstance(OfxImageEffectHandle handle, OFX::ContextEnum context); \
I won’t go through the definition of those actions as the specification does a great job for that (just click on the links above). The 3 parameters of the factory declaring macro are the name of the factory, and 2 other arguments used wether you want to implement the load and unload actions or not.
In the general case you rarely need to implement those 2 actions, except if you need to do stuff right after the plug-in is loaded (application launch) and right before the plug-in is unloaded (application quit).
If you don’t need to implement them, then do as the Invert example does, put an empty brace as parameter, indicating that the definition of the action is empty.
Otherwise, if you were to need to implement them, put a semi-colon ; as parameter and then define the functions below.
Let’s take a look at the…
OFX::ImageEffect* InvertPluginFactory::createInstance(OfxImageEffectHandle handle, OFX::ContextEnum /*context*/)
return new InvertPlugin(handle);
All it does is creating an instance of our plug-in class. We will cover the plug-in class later on when we’re done with the factory.
Defines the relevant properties of our plug-in so that the host can use it in an appropriate manner:
void InvertPluginFactory::describe(OFX::ImageEffectDescriptor &desc)
// basic labels
desc.setLabels(kPluginName, kPluginName, kPluginName);
// add the supported contexts
// add supported pixel depths
// set a few flags
The labels of the plug-in are essentially a duplicate of the name of the plug-in but that is meant to be seen in different places in the user interface. In our case we use the plug-in name for all 3 labels (label,shortLabel,longLabel).
The plug-in grouping, is the name of the group in which this plug-in will be found. If you were to have the grouping “Filter” then in Natron you would find your plug-in under the Filter menu…
You can also specify subgroups, such as: “MyPluginGroup/Filters”.
The plug-in description is generally what is seen in the help window the host offers for that plug-in. In Natron this is what the user sees when clicking on the ? button of the plug-in.
Now we must define the contexts we can support. You almost always want to support the general context, this is the context that offers maximum flexibility to your plug-in. The filter context is essentially different of the General context because it allows only 1 non optional input clip and doesn’t allow masks.
The paint context is rarely used but just says that if a mask were to be defined, then its name should not be “Mask” but “Brush”. Some host application could then in the paint context offer a different use interface. In Natron however we do not and the paint context is essentially treated as other contexts.
As a general rule, try to support as many contexts as you can, this is cheap to do and offers maximum portability across all available host applications.
The supported bit depths of the plug-in is important. This defines what kind of images you accept in input and what you can output. If you were say to support only byte (8bit) images then the host application would have to provide you 8bit input and output images. Note that some hosts (like Natron) use 32bit floating point images internally, and if you can this is better to support the highest bit depth. If you can’t support 32bit images because the library you’re using is 8bit (like OpenCV) then don’t worry, the host application should normally be able to convert images from different bit depths on its own. You can check whether the application can do this pixel shuffling by checking the content of the global
ImageEffectHostDescription gHostDescription;
This struct offers many info related to the host currently invoking your plug-in and can be used to turn on/off special features of your plug-in that work only if the host application supports it.
Hopefully the support layer offers means (via templates of the processor class) to support all bit depths yourself.
The last remaining flags are very important as they define how the render action is called and the type of image and render window that should be used.
I’ll just provide links to the original definition of these flags as they are very well described in the official spec:
- kOfxImageEffectPluginPropSingleInstance (Defaults to false)
- kOfxImageEffectPluginPropHostFrameThreading (Defaults to true)
- kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultiResolution (Defaults to true)
- kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsTiles (Defaults to true)
- kOfxImageEffectPropTemporalClipAccess (Defaults to false)
- kOfxImageEffectPluginPropFieldRenderTwiceAlways (Defaults to true)
- kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipPARs (Defaults to false)
- kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipDepths (Defaults to false)
- kOfxImageEffectPluginRenderThreadSafety (Defaults to instance safe: any instance can have a single “render” call at any one time.)
The really tricky flags are:
Multi-resolution: Do you support input and output images which have different region of definition ? In this case they can have arbitrary size (different) and the origin can be something else than 0,0
Tiles: Do you support render windows that are different than the full region of definition of an image ? If true then the render window provided as parameter of the render action can be set to a rectangle smaller than the actual region of definition of the image.
render thread safety: The default value expects that your plug-in is thread-safe over several instances. In Natron one instance of your plug-in is a node. Generally this default value is good enough, unless you have some dirty global state that you maintain. The best you can do is to have a fully safe thread-safety, in which case several render threads can call the render action simultaneously. The host would then call your render function simultaneously in 2 different cases:
- Because you set the host frame threading property to true and you’re a fully-safe plug-in. In this case the host will slice up the render window by the amount of available threads and call as many parallel render as it needs.
- Because your instance is referenced several times in the compositing graph and there’s several render threads ongoing (for example in Natron this would happen if you were to have 2 viewers plugged to the same node).
Depending on all the properties that you defined in the describe action, this is of YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check in the render action that the image and arguments provided correspond to all the properties you described.
If the image doesn’t have a format you can exploit, then fail the render action by throwing the following exception:
You can also throw a kOfxStatFailed exception if the arguments aren’t suited to your plug-in too. This is then the host responsibility to provide you arguments that are good enough for your plug-in, but catching errors ensures that your plug-in doesn’t crash the host application because the host did a mistake.
In this function we define our clips (inputs/output) and the parameters of the plug-in.
void InvertPluginFactory::describeInContext(OFX::ImageEffectDescriptor &desc, OFX::ContextEnum context)
// Source clip only in the filter context
// create the mandated source clip
ClipDescriptor *srcClip = desc.defineClip(kOfxImageEffectSimpleSourceClipName);
// create the mandated output clip
ClipDescriptor *dstClip = desc.defineClip(kOfxImageEffectOutputClipName);
if (context == eContextGeneral || context == eContextPaint) {
ClipDescriptor *maskClip = context == eContextGeneral ? desc.defineClip(“Mask”) : desc.defineClip(“Brush”);
if (context == eContextGeneral) {
// make some pages and to things in
PageParamDescriptor *page = desc.definePageParam(“Controls”);
OFX::BooleanParamDescriptor* param = desc.defineBooleanParam(kParamProcessR);
param->setLabels(kParamProcessRLabel, kParamProcessRLabel, kParamProcessRLabel);
OFX::BooleanParamDescriptor* param = desc.defineBooleanParam(kParamProcessG);
param->setLabels(kParamProcessGLabel, kParamProcessGLabel, kParamProcessGLabel);
OFX::BooleanParamDescriptor* param = desc.defineBooleanParam( kParamProcessB );
param->setLabels(kParamProcessBLabel, kParamProcessBLabel, kParamProcessBLabel);
OFX::BooleanParamDescriptor* param = desc.defineBooleanParam( kParamProcessA );
param->setLabels(kParamProcessALabel, kParamProcessALabel, kParamProcessALabel);
ofxsPremultDescribeParams(desc, page);
ofxsMaskMixDescribeParams(desc, page);
First we define our clips. Your plug-in MUST have an output clip. Then depending in which context the describe action is called, you can define one or more input clips.
The input clips in Natron are seen from left to right in reverse order of the one you declared your clips. That is if you define your clip “MyInput1″ and “MyInput2″ in that order, Natron would then instantiate the node this way:
MyInput2 MyInput1
\ /
\ /
│ │
│ MyEffect │
│ │
If you’re in the general context or paint context your effect can then also have a mask clip. Generally the mask is a clip that only supports alpha images. Don’t forget to specify whether a clip is optional or not (an optional clip is then not mandatory to render) and to define which components your clip support.
After that you would basically declare all the parameters.
Generally you define a page parameter which will contain some other children parameters. A page parameter in Natron is represented as a tab in the settings panel of the node.
You can also create subgroups of parameters by defining a group parameter.
A parameter should always belong to a page. If you fail to put it into a page, then Natron by default will put it in some default tab (generally the “Node” tab).
Each parameter have a label (the visible label on the left hand side of the parameter in the settings panel) and a script name. This is important to have some sort of standard for naming.
Otherwise the user ends-up with a poorly aligned user interface and more importantly the scripting of the application gets messier because it is not easy to reference parameters in a script which have space into their name!
Generally we use the following convention for naming parameters: (this is what can be used in a script)
And this convention for naming labels: (this is what is seen in the user interface)
My parameter 1
My long parameter with more than 1 word
We also define macros for all these strings in the beginning of the .cpp file so that it makes it easier to make quick changes.
The hint of a parameter is the string that will be displayed in the tooltip when the user hovers with the mouse the parameter.
You should always set the default value for your parameter.
Almost all parameters animates by default: In Natron they will have the animation button on the right hand side. If you want to disable animation, you need to explicitly set the animation disabled.
The following parameters on the other hand do not animate by default: String,Boolean,Choice, you need to explicitly enable animation on them if you want them to animate.
The layout hint is a hint to the application as to whether the parameters should be on the same line or not. By default a new parameter makes a new line.
We’re now ready and set to talk about the plug-in class…
Your class should inherit the OFX::ImageEffect
class which gives you access to a bunch of virtual functions to implement. Those functions represent the actions the host can call on your plug-in.
All actions of the plug-in have a default behaviour except the render action and generally you don’t need to implement all actions.
In the Invert plug-in, we only needed to implement 3 actions:
- The render action
- The isIdentity action
- the changed clip action
InvertPlugin(OfxImageEffectHandle handle)
: ImageEffect(handle)
, dstClip_(0)
, srcClip_(0)
dstClip_ = fetchClip(kOfxImageEffectOutputClipName);
assert(dstClip_ && (dstClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentRGB || dstClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentRGBA || dstClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentAlpha));
srcClip_ = fetchClip(kOfxImageEffectSimpleSourceClipName);
assert(srcClip_ && (srcClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentRGB || srcClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentRGBA || srcClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentAlpha));
maskClip_ = getContext() == OFX::eContextFilter ? NULL : fetchClip(getContext() == OFX::eContextPaint ? “Brush” : “Mask”);
assert(!maskClip_ || maskClip_->getPixelComponents() == ePixelComponentAlpha);
_paramProcessR = fetchBooleanParam(kParamProcessR);
_paramProcessG = fetchBooleanParam(kParamProcessG);
_paramProcessB = fetchBooleanParam(kParamProcessB);
_paramProcessA = fetchBooleanParam(kParamProcessA);
assert(_paramProcessR && _paramProcessG && _paramProcessB && _paramProcessA);
_premult = fetchBooleanParam(kParamPremult);
_premultChannel = fetchChoiceParam(kParamPremultChannel);
assert(_premult && _premultChannel);
_mix = fetchDoubleParam(kParamMix);
_maskInvert = fetchBooleanParam(kParamMaskInvert);
assert(_mix && _maskInvert);
In the constructor, we fetch all clips and parameters that we previously defined in the factory.
At this point, if the plug-in would be instantiated from a project saved by a user with serialised values, all the parameters would already have their value restored by now. If you do not want a parameter to be persistent (i.e serialised) then call setIsPersistent(false)
on the parameter descriptor in the describeInContext action.
As a reminder, a plug-in is identity when it doesn’t transform in any way the source image. In our case if the R,G,B,A parameters are checked off, then our plug-in doesn’t do anything anymore.
So in the isIdentity
action, we just check if at least one the parameters is checked. If not, then we can say we’re identity of the input clip at the same time that was given in parameter.
InvertPlugin::isIdentity(const IsIdentityArguments &args, Clip * &identityClip, double &/*identityTime*/)
bool red, green, blue, alpha;
double mix;
_paramProcessR->getValueAtTime(args.time, red);
_paramProcessG->getValueAtTime(args.time, green);
_paramProcessB->getValueAtTime(args.time, blue);
_paramProcessA->getValueAtTime(args.time, alpha);
_mix->getValueAtTime(args.time, mix);
if (mix == 0. || (!red && !green && !blue && !alpha)) {
identityClip = srcClip_;
return true;
} else {
return false;
Note here that we use the getValueAtTime()
function on the parameters and not the getValue()
function. We do this because those parameter animate and we want to fetch their exact value at the time given in parameter of the action.
If you were to call getValue()
only, then the host would also call getValueAtTime()
but it would take some overhead because it would need to also fetch the current time at which you called the function.
So as a general rule of thumbs:
- Call
for parameters that animate - Call
for all parameters that do not animate
InvertPlugin::changedClip(const InstanceChangedArgs &args, const std::string &clipName)
if (clipName == kOfxImageEffectSimpleSourceClipName && srcClip_ && args.reason == OFX::eChangeUserEdit) {
switch (srcClip_->getPreMultiplication()) {
case eImageOpaque:
case eImagePreMultiplied:
case eImageUnPreMultiplied:
In the Invert plug-in we have a special parameter that can be checked to unpremultiply the colour channels (RGB) by the Alpha channel before inverting the image.
This action is called when the user changes a connection of the plug-in: when the input arrow is connected to another node, this action handler will be called and you’ll be able to know a bunch of information from the input clip.
In our case we query whether the input clip is a premultiplied image or not and set the value of the Unpremultiply parameter according to the input image state.
InvertPlugin::render(const OFX::RenderArguments &args)
// instantiate the render code based on the pixel depth of the dst clip
OFX::BitDepthEnum dstBitDepth = dstClip_->getPixelDepth();
OFX::PixelComponentEnum dstComponents = dstClip_->getPixelComponents();
// do the rendering
if (dstComponents == OFX::ePixelComponentRGBA) {
switch (dstBitDepth) {
case OFX::eBitDepthUByte : {
ImageInverter fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
case OFX::eBitDepthUShort : {
ImageInverter fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
case OFX::eBitDepthFloat : {
ImageInverter<float, 4, 1> fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
default :
} else if (dstComponents == OFX::ePixelComponentRGB) {
switch (dstBitDepth) {
case OFX::eBitDepthUByte : {
ImageInverter fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
case OFX::eBitDepthUShort : {
ImageInverter fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
case OFX::eBitDepthFloat : {
ImageInverter<float, 3, 1> fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
default :
} else {
assert(dstComponents == OFX::ePixelComponentAlpha);
switch (dstBitDepth) {
case OFX::eBitDepthUByte : {
ImageInverter fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
case OFX::eBitDepthUShort : {
ImageInverter fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
case OFX::eBitDepthFloat : {
ImageInverter<float, 1, 1> fred(*this);
setupAndProcess(fred, args);
default :
In this function we instantiate the processor that will do the job with the good parameters.
We query the bit depth and the pixel components of the output clip and instantiate the processor with the template parameters according to the bit depth and the image components.
We then can call the setupAndProcess
function which will continue setting up the render.
InvertPlugin::setupAndProcess(InvertBase &processor, const OFX::RenderArguments &args)
// get a dst image
std::auto_ptr dst(dstClip_->fetchImage(args.time));
if (!dst.get()) {
OFX::BitDepthEnum dstBitDepth = dst->getPixelDepth();
OFX::PixelComponentEnum dstComponents = dst->getPixelComponents();
// fetch main input image
std::auto_ptr src(srcClip_->fetchImage(args.time));
// make sure bit depths are sane
if (src.get()) {
OFX::BitDepthEnum srcBitDepth = src->getPixelDepth();
OFX::PixelComponentEnum srcComponents = src->getPixelComponents();
// see if they have the same depths and bytes and all
if (srcBitDepth != dstBitDepth || srcComponents != dstComponents) {
// auto ptr for the mask.
std::auto_ptr mask((getContext() != OFX::eContextFilter) ? maskClip_->fetchImage(args.time) : 0);
// do we do masking
if (getContext() != OFX::eContextFilter && maskClip_->isConnected()) {
// say we are masking
// Set it in the processor
bool red, green, blue, alpha;
_paramProcessR->getValueAtTime(args.time, red);
_paramProcessG->getValueAtTime(args.time, green);
_paramProcessB->getValueAtTime(args.time, blue);
_paramProcessA->getValueAtTime(args.time, alpha);
bool premult;
int premultChannel;
_premult->getValueAtTime(args.time, premult);
_premultChannel->getValueAtTime(args.time, premultChannel);
double mix;
_mix->getValueAtTime(args.time, mix);
bool maskInvert;
_maskInvert->getValueAtTime(args.time, maskInvert);
processor.setValues(red, green, blue, alpha, premult, premultChannel, mix, maskInvert);
// set the images
// set the render window
// Call the base class process member, this will call the derived templated process code
First thing we do is fetching the output image in which we will render. If the pointer is NULL
then we fail the render of course, there must be something terribly wrong in the host application for that to happen.
We then again fetch the bit depth and the pixel components of the output image.
Now we fetch the input image too. One thing we didn’t do here but that we should have done is checking whether the clip is actually connected before fetching the image. Some hosts return garbage image when the clip is disconnected.
In Natron we return a NULL
image, but the plug-in should always check whether a non-optional input clip is connected before fetching its image.
If the image returned is NULL
then you can do 2 possible things: render black and transparent yourself in the processor (that’s what we do in the invert plug-in) or fail the render and the host will probably render black on its own.
The next thing we do is checking that the input image and output image bit depths and components match. Remember that in the describe function we set the kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipPARs and kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipDepths properties to false, indicating that we expect the input and output images to have the same properties.
Now depending on the context we can also fetch our mask. If the mask is NULL
because it is not connected, this not an issue: this is an optional input and your processing code should take into account the fact that this mask might not exist.
We then fetch all the values from the parameters that will have effect on the processing code and pass them to the processor in the setValues(…)
function that we created. getValue()
and getValueAtTime()
can be expensive, hence it is better to call them now and once than in the processor class which will be multi-threaded hence duplicating the API calls.
Don’t forget to set the src and dst image pointers to the processor as well as the render window. At this point you’re ready to call the process() function. This function will ask the host to launch multiple threads to render the code inside the processor class. This is a blocking call and will return only when all threads are finished rendering.
Note that it is FORBIDDEN to set values of parameters (i.e: calling setValue()
and setValueAtTime()
) in the render action. If you were to update some parameters after your render call then this is not the place to do so.
Reminder from the spec:
Setting Parameters
Plugins are free to set parameters in limited set of circumstances, typically relating to user interaction. You can only set parameters in the following actions passed to the plug-in’s main entry function…
- The Create Instance Action
- The Begin Instance Changed Action
- The Instance Changed Action
- The End Instance Changed Action
- The Sync Private Data Action
This class is actually decomposed in 2 classes:
- A base class, which is used by the plug-in in setupAndProcess and avoids templating everything where we pass the processor in arguments. This base class only holds the setters and getters for parameters values and images pointers.
- A derived class which is templated by the bit depth (the pixel type here: unsigned char,unsigned short or float), the number of components and the maximum value for that bit depth.
The only relevant function in the processor is the…
In the invert plug-in we do a special thing here: we template a new function named process()
with the parameters of the plug-in (process red, process green, process blue, process alpha). The reason we do that is that it creates very well optimised code thanks to the compiler.
So here the interesting function in the Invert example is actually the process
void process(const OfxRectI& procWindow)
float unpPix[4];
float tmpPix[4];
for (int y = procWindow.y1; y < procWindow.y2; y++) {
if (_effect.abort()) {
PIX *dstPix = (PIX *) _dstImg->getPixelAddress(procWindow.x1, y);
for (int x = procWindow.x1; x < procWindow.x2; x++) {
const PIX *srcPix = (const PIX *) (_srcImg ? _srcImg->getPixelAddress(x, y) : 0);
// do we have a source image to scale up
ofxsUnPremult<PIX, nComponents, maxValue>(srcPix, unpPix, _premult, _premultChannel);
tmpPix[0] = dored ? (1. – unpPix[0]) : unpPix[0];
tmpPix[1] = dogreen ? (1. – unpPix[1]) : unpPix[1];
tmpPix[2] = doblue ? (1. – unpPix[2]) : unpPix[2];
tmpPix[3] = doalpha ? (1. – unpPix[3]) : unpPix[3];
ofxsPremultMaskMixPix<PIX, nComponents, maxValue, true>(tmpPix, _premult, _premultChannel, x, y, srcPix, _doMasking, _maskImg, _mix, _maskInvert, dstPix);
// increment the dst pixel
dstPix += nComponents;
This function takes in parameter for 1 thread what portion of the image it should render (procWindow
). Typically the more threads the end-user computer has, the smaller the procWindow
will be.
This function will be called by the host with new threads it has launched using the multi-thread suite. That’s exactly what does the processor.process()
function in the setupAndProcess
Make sure that the code in this function can be well multi-threaded and doesn’t require much synchronisation overhead between the threads, in which case you would be better off doing that processing directly in the render function without requiring launching new threads.
In this example we just loop over the scan lines first and the over each pixel in a scan-line.
At each loop, we check whether we should abort processing. If the function abort()
returns true then we must cancel processing; this can be due to user interaction and generally returning the fastest possible ensures that the user can have responsive interaction and image renders.
We then use the ofxsUnPremult
and ofxsPremultMaskMixPix
to actually do the processing. These are functions that we created in the SupportExt repository which helps us to write processors. We created them because most of the processors across different plug-ins share a good amount of code and factorizing that into unique functions is easier to maintain. Plus improving one of the function, improves all plug-ins at once.
We’re done here for the walkthrough of the Invert plug-in.