A website to manage the activities of a boutique hotel called The Wild Oasis.
This website was part of Jonas Schmedtmann's React course. I learned a lot of the real-world things that are used in production-level websites from coding along with Jonas on this project. After finishing the project, Jonas left some challenging tasks to enhance this project.
As part of completing those challenges, I implemented the Guests section, adding new bookings, editing the existing bookings and, signup page. These tasks helped me to hone the skills that Jonas has taught throughout this course.
Client: React, React Query, React Hook Form, Styled Components, React Router V6, Context api, React-hot-toast, Recharts
API + Database: Supabase
- Browse, Filter, and Sort bookings, cabins, and guests according to different criteria.
- Check different stats about the business state of the hotel for 7/30/90 days.
- Stats are displayed using different charts and graphs.
- Add, Edit, or Delete bookings, cabins, and guests.
- See details about any particular booking
- Check-in and Check-out guests
- Secure Authentication with Supabase(Only users with verified email can open account)
- Create Account
- Edit Account
- All Form field contains the necessary validation check.
- Protected Routing
- Update the base prices of the services at the hotel.
- Caching data using React Query to provide a smooth user experience