SupersetLS - Superset Logstash Solr, is a containerized package of tools to view the realtime logs generated by an application on a dashboard powered by SuperSet. Solr is used to store the log data while Logstash is used to read the changes in a log file and push the new logs to the Solr for persistence. SuperSet is linked to Solr for reading the data and converting the data into charts for visualization.
- Clone the Git Repository using the git clone command
git clone
The repository contains a sample application that generates the logs. This application can be replaced by your application that will generate the logs.
The sample app contains a folder named as "logs" inside which all the logs files are dumped by the application
Install Docker & Docker-Compose on your machine and the use the "docker-compose-with-solr.yml" file to start the application ater making custom edits (Explained below)
Edit "docker-compose-with-solr.yml" file to point it towards the log generating folder. The green box in the image below is the part that you have to change in order to point the relative path to the logs folder. Save the file after making the changes. In the below example, it's pointing to the logs folder of the sample application.
Use docker-compose to start the application using "docker-compose-with-solr.yml" file. Wait for all the containers to spin up.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-solr.yml up
Check if Solr Container is running
Solr - http://localhost:8983/solr/ -
Check if SuperSet Container is running
SupeSet - http://localhost:8088/ -
Go to SuperSet and cretae a database to link Solr to SuperSet
Paste URL below in the SQLALCHEMY URI field
Click the dataset and check the URL to get the dataset ID. We will use this ID in the next step
Go to the below URL and replace <DATASET_ID> with the dataset ID that you noted in the previous step
Example -
Scroll down and find "Schema" which will have the value as "default"
Choose "applicationLogs" from the dropdown and then select the chart type. For this tutorial, We'll choose Big Number Chart. Click "CREATE NEW CHART" button.
In the new page, Click "METRICS" and in "SAVED METRICS" choose "COUNT(*)". Click SAVE button.
The Chart will be displayed on the right panel. Click Save button.
View the dashboard. If the value is 0 and is not changing, that means the logs are not being generated.
Start the application that will genearte the logs if not started.
Create Charts according to your needs!