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Table of Contents

  1. Forking Git Source
  2. Setting Up Service Accounts
  3. Setting Up Hardware
  4. Installing Neon
  5. Using Neon
  6. Making Changes
  7. Getting New Neon AI Releases
  8. Removing and re-installing Neon

Welcome to Neon AI

Neon AI is an open source voice assistant. Follow these instructions to start using Neon on your computer.

1. Forking Git Source

Before installing Neon, you will need to fork your own branch of the Neon core and [skills] repositories on github. You will also need to get from your forked core git.

  1. Go to the core repository and click "Fork" in the upper right hand corner.


  2. Select the account you wish to fork to (generally you only have one listed)

  3. Do the same for the skills repository

    Note: You may also wish to fork individual skills and update the submodule references in your forked repository. You can find more information about submodules here.

  4. Locate NGI\ in your core repository


  5. Right Click on Raw and select Save link as...


  6. Rename the file to and save to your Home directory

    Note: If you completed this step on a Windows PC, save the file to a flash drive to transfer to the computer you will install Neon on. Move to a directory on the machine you will be installing on. Recommended ~/ (resolves to /home/$USER).

2. Setting Up Service Accounts

Please follow these steps to create the three credential files required to install Neon. During setup, all credentials will be imported and validated with any errors logged in status.log.

Note: If you complete this setup on a Windows PC, make sure to edit any files using a text editor such as Notepad++ to ensure compatibility in Linux. Also check for correct file extensions after copying your files to your Linux PC, as Windows will hide known file extensions by default.

a. Google Cloud Speech Setup

  1. Go to:

  2. Sign in or create a Google account


  3. Go to your Console


  4. Search for and select "Cloud Speech-to-Text" (Not to be confused with Text-to-Speech)

  5. Select the option you would like to use


  6. You will be prompted to enable billing on your account at this point because this service is paid after a free monthly quota

    Google will not automatically charge your card unless you give permission to do so.

  7. In the left Navigation Menu, select APIs & Services, Credentials


  8. Click Create credendials, Service Account Key


  9. Choose any service account name for your reference. You may leave the Role field empty

  10. Make sure key type is JSON and click on Continue


  11. If you did not assign a role, you would be prompted. You may continue by clicking 'CREATE WITHOUT ROLE'


  12. You will see a prompt and your service key will automatically download

  13. Rename the downloaded file to google.json and move it into the same directory as

    Note: The premium models are only available in US English and provide some enhancements to phone and video audio which do not apply to this project. The options with Data Logging allows Google to use your audio and transcriptions to train their model. You may select the option without logging to opt out (note that the option with logging is discounted).

At this point, Neon can be partially tested without Amazon translations and Wolfram information skills. You may run setup without continuing, but Amazon and Wolfram|Alpha services are highly recommended.

b. Amazon Polly and Translate Setup

  1. Go to:

  2. Click "Sign into the Console" at the top right of the screen


  3. Sign in or register for an account

  4. Go to the Services Menu at the top left of the screen and click IAM


  5. Select Users from the left side menu and click Add user


  6. Enter a User name and check the box for Programmatic access


  7. On the next page, Select 'Attach existing policies directly' and search for 'AmazonPollyFullAccess' and 'TranslateFullAccess'

    Amazon Amazon

  8. You may add tags on the next page if desired

  9. Review your selections on the next page and Create user


  10. On the next page you can see your Access key ID and Secret access key

  11. Click the Download .csv file button to save your credentials to your computer


  12. Copy or move the downloaded accessKeys.csv to the same directory as

    Note: You will not be able to view your secret access key after it is generated, so if you need a secret access key, you will have to generate a new Access key.

The Users menu lets you create new users and new access keys per user as you wish, as well as modify permissions.

3. Setting Up Hardware

Before continuing, make sure you have your hardware setup ready for installation. You will need the following:

  • A computer running up-to-date Ubuntu 20.04

    You can find our video tutorial for installing Ubuntu in a virtual machine here, or you can find written instructions here

    Note: If you prefer to use Windows for your development environment, you can install the Windows Subsystem for Linux. You can find our video tutorial here. Audio and gui functionality will be limited in this case; you will only be able to interact with Neon via command line.

System Requirements

  • Speakers and a microphone recognized by Ubuntu

    NeonDev You can verify Ubuntu sees your devices by accessing Settings and then Sound

    • If you are unsure of which device to select, you can click Test Speakers to play a test tone through the selected Output device
    • You can test your microphone under the Input tab, the Input level should move when you speak into the microphone

      If you do not see any microphone activity, make sure the correct device is selected and the Input volume is set above 50%

  • Webcam (optional)

    Some functionality requires a webcam (ex. USB Cam Skill). Most webcams also include a microphone that can be used for Neon.

  • An active internet connection

    Note: A connection of at least 10Mbps is recommended. On slower connections, installation may take several hours.

  • At least 10GB of available disk space (15 GB if installing Mimic)

    Neon AI occupies less than 1GB itself. With dependencies, the installation takes about 5GB on an up-to-date Ubuntu 20.04 system. Mimic local speech-to-text requires about 3.5 GB. Additional space is used while installing packages during installation and updates. Several gigabytes is recommended in order to keep local transcriptions and audio files.

  • A system with at least 2GB RAM and 2 or more processing threads is required, with 4GB RAM and 4 threads recommended

    Some features such as the vision service may not work on systems only meeting the minimum requirements. Responses and speech processing will take longer on lower performance systems.

4. Installing Neon

This guide includes instructions for installing in both a Development environment and a User environment. User environment is more lightweight and does not assume any existing IDE. Developer environment will have more consoles, debug outputs, and logs available. See details below.

A development environment is designed to be a testable installation of NeonAI that can be connected to an IDE
(ex. Pycharm) for modifications and skill development. This guide assumes installation in a development environment from an unmodified fork of NeonAI. After installation, any changes and additions can be pushed to git or hosted on a private server.

A user environment is designed to be an installation on a device that will be used normally as a voice assistant. You may want to test how your changes affect performance on less powerful hardware or test how changes may be deployed as updates.
If you are developing in a virtual machine, installation on physical hardware in a user environment is useful for testing audio and video I/O which can be difficult in many virtualized environments.

Before starting here, make sure you have already completed setting up your service accounts. You should have google.json, wolfram.txt, and accessKeys.csv already saved to the machine you are installing to.

All of the following options, such as autorun and automatic updates can be easily modified later using your voice, profile settings, or configuration files.

Installing Neon in a Development Environment

  1. Clone NeonCore from your forked repository into a local directory.
  2. Configure a virtual environment and install any desired requirements

Note: requirements.txt,dev.txt, test.txt, and remote_speech_processing.txt are recommended for installation

Installing Neon in a User/Deployment Environment

Installing in a User Environment differs from a developer environment; you will not be able to modify Neon Core if you use this installation method.

  1. Take your file and place it in your home directory


  2. Make sure you have your accessKeys.csv, google.json, and wolfram.txt files here as well, otherwise you will be prompted for credentials during setup
  3. Open a terminal in your home directory (ctrl+alt+t)
  4. Type in bash ${GITHUB_TOKEN} and press Enter (where ${GITHUB_TOKEN} is your Github token)


  5. Type n to Install in User Mode (Not Developer Mode)
  6. Type n to Input Custom settings

    Note: You may use quick settings and skip the following prompts

  1. Type n to install in User mode (y for full Developer mode)

  2. Autorun is recommended (y) on for User Environments

  3. Automatic updates are recommended (y) on for User Environments

  4. Local STT is NOT recommended (n) if you have google and aws keys as remote processing is faster and more accurate

  5. Install GUI is recommended (y) so long as you are running a current/supported version of Ubuntu and your device has a display

  6. Find out more about OpenHAB here

  7. Server is NOT recommended (n) unless you know otherwise

  8. You will be prompted to confirm your settings, press y to continue, n to start over, or b to go back and correct a previous setting


  9. When setup is complete, you will be able to start neon via

5. Using Neon

After you have completed Installing Neon, you will have a fully functional system ready to test. A useful first step after a new installation or update is to run an automated test of your skills.

a. Running Tests

  1. With Neon running, use the desktop shortcut Test Neon or File menu option Run Tests to run tests


  2. The test program will automatically backup your user settings and run a network speed test and then present you with the test options


    The upper case options determine the way testing is run (Text or Audio).
    The lower case options determine which skills are tested.

  3. Type in the options you wish to test with, you may string multiple together (ex. TaAa would run all tests as Text and then all tests as Audio)

    Note: If running audio tests, you must loop back audio output to audio input (the easiest way to do this is to run a 3.5mm cable from your speaker port to your microphone port)

  4. After selecting your options and pressing Enter, you will see the test pass either text or audio to Neon.


  5. The System Monitor will show available statistics such as CPU Utilization, Temperature, and Power

    Note: This data is saved with test results

  6. After the tests have completed, Neon will restart and you will see an option to review test results. The results are saved as Tab separated values, so make sure only the Tab option is selected.


  7. More complete logs and information can be found in the Diagnostics directory

    By default, this is at ~\NeonAI\Diagnostics\testing for Development Machines and ~\Documents\NeonGecko\Diagnostics\testing for User Machines.

b. Troubleshooting

If you encounter any of the following issues while using Neon, please try these troubleshooting steps

  • My computer is slow to respond

    Check for high memory usage in System Monitor. If your Memory and Swap both show 100% utilization under Resources, try exiting PyCharm and Neon AI. If there is still abnormal memory usage, open a Terminal and type in:

      sudo systemctl stop openhab2.service

    If you can determine the offending program, see if restarting the program or your computer resolves your issues. If not, you may find common solutions online.

  • Neon AI is not transcribing anything I say

    Check that your microphone is working and active by going to Sound the Settings Menu. Go to the Input tab and make sure the correct microphone is selected. Make sure the Input Level is up and turned on and look for activity on the Input Level bar when you tap the mic. If you change devices here, restart Neon AI.

  • Some audio is very quiet, while other audio is louder

    Check that the audio level for the affected application is turned up by going to Sound the Settings Menu. Go to the Applications tab.

    For quiet responses from Neon, ask Neon something with a longer response (ex. "Tell me a joke"). When an application named neon-voice appears, make sure it is not muted and that the volume is set to the maximum. Do the same for any other applications that are too quiet; start playing something and check the Application's volume.

  • AVMusic will not pause or resume

    If AVMusic playback is changed by something other than Neon, the skill can lose track of whether something is playing or paused. If something is paused and Neon will not resume, you may say "pause" to resume playback. "Stop" should work in any case.

  • Errors in the log when installing or updating Neon

    Installation of dlib can fail if system memory is completely full; you can open System Monitor during installation or updates to monitor memory usage. A minimum 2GB RAM is required, 4GB+ recommended. Errors may also occur if system storage becomes full. You may monitor storage availability in System Monitor as well; keep in mind that cached files will be removed when installation fails, so your file system will show some available space before and after the error occurs.

  • Any other issues

    If you encounter any other issues while using Neon, they can often be solved by restarting Neon or your computer. If this does not resolve you issue, please contact support at [email protected].

6. Making Code Changes

After completing setup and testing, you are ready to begin making changes and creating skills. An example workflow for making a change would be:

  1. Make any changes to the core or skills
  2. Test changes in the Developer Environment (Look for errors in logs, unexpected behaviour, etc)
  3. Run Test Neon to check that all skills and TTS/STT behave as expected
  4. Commit and Push changes to git
  5. Check for updates in User Environment
  6. Run complete tests using Test Neon
  7. Check logs for any errors

a. System Overview

There are two aspects of the Neon AI system: core and skills.

The core is composed of several modules, but generally includes:

  • speech for handling user inputs and performing speech-to-text (STT)
  • skills for processing user input to find intent and provide a response
  • audio for speaking the response generated in skills
  • bus for handling all communications between modules

Other modules may also be running for gui functionality, etc and may be added to provide new functionality.

skills provide the functionality of handling user inputs and generating responses or performing actions.

b. Creating a Skill

Check out our three part youtube series on how to create a skill:

7. Getting New Neon AI Releases

Neongecko will regularly release updates to the Neon core and skills via GitHub. It is recommended that you merge these updates into your own fork so that you get the latest feature updates and bug fixes. To update your repository to the latest release:

  1. Go to GitHub and sign in.
  2. Go to the Neongecko neon-shared-core repository.


  3. Open a New pull request
  4. Click compare across forks
  5. Select your forked repository from the base repository drop-down on the left


  6. You may modify the pull request title and description (optional)

    Note: All changes are displayed per file on this page. You may want to change the title for your own reference later.

  7. Click Create pull request after you have reviewed the changes
  8. Click Merge pull request on the next page to finish merging the changes to your branch


  9. Go to the Neongecko neon-skills-submodules and repeat the above steps to update your skills

    Note: If you have modified your forked submodules repository, you may want to update the submodules in your repository instead of pulling changes here. You can find more information about submodules here.

  10. You are now using the latest release of Neon AI, make sure to update any installations if they are not set to update automatically
  11. Use the desktop shortcut Update Neon or File menu option Check for Updates to update Neon


Additional Steps for Developers Using PyCharm

  1. Next you should update your IDE in your Developer Environment

Note: This is PyCharm if you followed our setup guide.

  1. In PyCharm, select VCS from the menu bar, and then Update Project


  2. You will be prompted to Update Project, you may leave the default settings and click OK


8. Removing and Re-installing Neon AI

You may wish to remove your Neon AI installation to start fresh with a new version. Below is a list of locaitons where Neon may have saved files:

Note: You will need your credential files for Google, Amazon, and Wolfram|Alpha to complete re-installation.

  • ~/.neon
  • ~/.local/share/neon
  • ~/.local/cache/neon
  • /opt/neon
  • /tmp/neon
  • ~/Documents/NeonGecko
  • ~/Pictures/NeonGecko
  • ~/Videos/NeonGecko
  • ~/Music/NeonGecko
  1. You may now re-install Neon


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