JavaScript utilities for 6502 programming.
npm install @neshacker/6502-tools
The package includes a basic 6502 assembler with support for basic variable assignment, a handful of assembler commands, and all core 6502 instruction addressing modes.
The assembler is very early in development and is not fully featured but it does work well for some basic tasks, such as converting assembly to hex-strings for use with a hex editor, etc. For larger tasks or projects please use a more mature assembler such as ca65.
Parses and assembles the given source into a linear intermediate representation then outputs the results of the parse to the console.
const { Assembler } = require('@neshacker/6502-tools')
const source = `
my_routine = $ACDC
.org $BD17
lda #22
jsr my_routine
// Assemble and inspect the source
BD17 another_routine:
BD17 A916 lda #22
BD19 20DCAC jsr my_routine
BD1C 60 rts
Same as Assember.inspect
but instead converts the source found in the file
with the given path.
Converts the given assembly source into a string of hexadecimal digits for use with a hex editor.
const { Assembler } = require('@neshacker/6502-tools')
const source = `
my_routine = $ACDC
.org $BD17
lda #22
jsr my_routine
// Assemble and inspect the source
Same as Assembler.toHexString
but instead converts the source found in the
file with the given path.
This command set the absolute program address at the point of invocation. It is useful for defining patch segements for ROM hacks.
; Set the absolute program offset to $C000
.org $C000
lda #0 ; Address $C000
@loop: ; Address = $C002
dex ; Address = $C002
bne @loop ; Address = $C003, branch to @loop on zero flag
This defines a run of arbitrary bytes to be processed by the assembler. Useful for defining lookup tables or text segments.
.byte 16, 32, 64 ; Literal bytes: $10, $20, $40
.byte "Hello" ; Literal bytes: $48, $65, 6C, $6C, $6F