This is an implementation of adaptive style transfer in tensorflow 2.
It demonstrates how to:
- Manage a dataset using tf.dataset and tfrecord files.
- Build models using tf.keras high level API.
- Write the training loop of a GAN using tf.function and tf.GradientTape .
- Export and infer using tf.SavedModel, TensorRT and TfSlim.
- Manage flags and logging using google abseil python package.
In the near future this code will also:
- Allow training style transfer networks following Cartoon-GAN paper The code is writen but I'm still looking for good parameters :)
- Demonstrate how to use style transfer on Android. I wrote models with the same kind of optimization presented in mobilenet v2 paper. The models train well, can be use for inference on a computer and can be exported in tfLite format but I still have some bug in the android app.
Please note that the tensorflow 2 TensorRT API is still work in progress and that you need a more recent version of tensorflow than the 2.0.0a0 if you want to use tensorRT. To compile and build a docker image with a more recent version of tensorflow 2 please see the readme inside trt_docker subdir
You will find some results in folder imgs. For instance:
Original image:
After style transfer with Picasso:
Go to webapp dir, create a folder "models" and put picasso model inside. You can download it here
Then run docker-compose up
The easiest way to install this style transfer is by using docker. You need to install docker, docker-compose and nvidia-docker then run: docker-compose build style-transfer
- Content images used for training: Places365-Standard high-res train images (105GB).
- The research team that releases the adaptive style transfer paper also releases style image on their owncloud
If you want to use docker for the training, a solution is to run the docker-compose style-transfer
app. For training you need to specified 3 environments variables :
- PICTURE_DATASET: the path of the pictures
- ART_DATASET : the path of the art images
- EXPERIMENT : the folder where the program writes logs and checkpoints
for instance run :
export ART_DATASET=....
export EXPERIMENT=....
docker-compose run style-transfer
And you will get bash prompt in a valid tensorflow 2 environment
As soon as you are in an environment running tensorflow 2, try :
python3 --action training
To train the model with default parameters. You can see the most important parameters with python3 --help
and all the parameters with
python3 --helpfull
- If you choose to not use docker, then you probably need to change the default paths where are stored the dataset and the tfrecords. The parameters to do this are :
is also an option you should specified if you want to create several tfrecord files for several artists in the same folder.- If you want to train a model with the same optimizations than the mobilenet-v2 then add the flag :
For instance, if you want to train a picasso style transfer with the same training parameters than the original paper, you can first run 200000 iterations with a learning rate of 0.0001 then 100000 iterations with a learning rate of 0.00002. Inside docker it will be:
python3 --action training \
--training_dir /opt/experiment/picasso \
--style_tfrecord_prefix picasso
python3 --action training \
--training_dir /opt/experiment/picasso_2 \
--style_tfrecord_prefix picasso \
--n_iterations 100000 \
--lr 0.00002 \
--pretrained_ckpt /opt/experiment/picasso/checkpoints/
It is basically the same thing than training a adaptive style transfer, The only difference is that you start by an initialization where you pretrain the generative network. Inside docker it will be :
python3 --action training \
--training_method initialization_cartoon \
--n_iterations 50000 \
--training_dir /opt/experiment/cartoon \
--learning_rate 0.001
python3 --action training \
--training_method cartoon_gan \
--n_iterations 200000 \
--training_dir /opt/experiment/cartoon2 \
--pretrained_ckpt /opt/experiment/cartoon/checkpoints
Please note the flag --training_method
to choose if we want to train an adaptive style transfer (default), a cartoon GAN or training the generative network for the initialization
part of the cartoon GAN.
To export a model you need to specified:
- The path of checkpoint to load (can be a file or a folder. In this case it will load the more recent one)
- The path to write the exported model
- the export format you want to use (SavedModel, TensorRT or TfLite) and some precision (FP16 or 32 for tensorRT...)
- The model architecture corresponding to the checkpoint (std or mobilenet)
For instance to export a model in TFLite format:
python3 --action export --export_format tflite --mobilenet --export_path /opt/export/model.tflite
To perform inference you need to provide :
- The path to a exported model
- The path of the folder containing the images, videos...
- The path where to write the transformed images and videos
And you need to specified if your using tflite.
For instance :
python3 --action infer \
--inference_model_path ... \
--inference_input_dir ... \
--inference_output_dir ... \
Adaptative Style Transfer
Instance Normalization