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(textproc/R-data.table) Updated 1.14.0 to 1.14.10
# data.table [v1.14.10]( ## NOTES 1. Maintainer of the package for CRAN releases is from now on Tyson Barrett (@TysonStanley), [#5710](Rdatatable/data.table#5710). 2. Updated internal code for breaking change of `is.atomic(NULL)` in R-devel, [#5691](Rdatatable/data.table#5691). Thanks to Martin Maechler for the patch. 3. Fix multiple test concerning coercion to missing complex numbers, [#5695](Rdatatable/data.table#5695) and [#5748](Rdatatable/data.table#5748). Thanks to @MichaelChirico and @ben-schwen for the patches. 4. Fix multiple format warnings (e.g., -Wformat) [#5712](Rdatatable/data.table#5712), [#5781](Rdatatable/data.table#5781), [#5880](Rdatatable/data.table#5800), [#5786](Rdatatable/data.table#5786). Thanks to @MichaelChirico and @jangorecki for the patches. # data.table [v1.14.8]( (17 Feb 2023) ## NOTES 1. Test 1613.605 now passes changes to `` in R-devel, [#5597](Rdatatable/data.table#5597). Thanks to Avraham Adler for reporting. 2. An out of bounds read when combining non-equi join with `by=.EACHI` has been found and fixed thanks to clang ASAN, [#5598](Rdatatable/data.table#5598). There was no bug or consequence because the read was followed (now preceded) by a bounds test. 3. `` (note the leading `.`) is no longer exported when `data.table` is installed in R>=4.0.0 (Apr 2020), [#5600](Rdatatable/data.table#5600). It was never documented which R-devel now detects and warns about. It is only needed by `data.table` internals to support R<4.0.0; see note 1 in v1.12.6 (Oct 2019) below in this file for more details. # data.table [v1.14.6]( (16 Nov 2022) ## BUG FIXES 1. `fread()` could leak memory, [#3292](Rdatatable/data.table#3292). Thanks to @patrickhowerter for reporting, and Jim Hester for the fix. The fix requires R 3.4.0 or later. Loading `data.table` in earlier versions now highlights this issue on startup, asks users to upgrade R, and warns that we intend to upgrade `data.table`'s dependency from 8 year old R 3.1.0 (April 2014) to 5 year old R 3.4.0 (April 2017). ## NOTES 1. Test 1962.098 has been modified to pass latest changes to `POSIXt` in R-devel. 2. `` no longer creates `DT` in `.GlobalEnv`, a CRAN policy violation, [#5514](Rdatatable/data.table#5514). No other writes occurred to `.GlobalEnv` and release procedures have been improved to prevent this happening again. 3. The memory usage of the test suite has been halved, [#5507](Rdatatable/data.table#5507). # data.table [v1.14.4]( (17 Oct 2022) ## NOTES 1. gcc 12.1 (May 2022) now detects and warns about an always-false condition (`-Waddress`) in `fread` which caused a small efficiency saving never to be invoked, [#5476](Rdatatable/data.table#5476). Thanks to CRAN for testing latest versions of compilers. 2. `` has been renamed `update_dev_pkg()` to get out of the way of the `stats::update` generic function, [#5421](Rdatatable/data.table#5421). This is a utility function which upgrades the version of `data.table` to the latest commit in development which has passed all tests. As such we don't expect any backwards compatibility concerns. Its manual page was causing an intermittent hang/crash from `R CMD check` on Windows-only on CRAN which we hope will be worked around by changing its name. 3. Internal C code now passes `-Wstrict-prototypes` to satisfy the warnings now displayed on CRAN, [#5477](Rdatatable/data.table#5477). 4. `write.csv` in R-devel no longer responds to `getOption("digits.secs")` for `POSIXct`, [#5478](Rdatatable/data.table#5478). This caused our tests of `fwrite(, dateTimeAs="write.csv")` to fail on CRAN's daily checks using latest daily R-devel. While R-devel discussion continues, and currently it seems like the change is intended with further changes possible, this `data.table` release massages our tests to pass on latest R-devel. The idea is to try to get out of the way of R-devel changes in this regard until the new behavior of `write.csv` is released and confirmed. Package updates are not accepted on CRAN if they do not pass the latest daily version of R-devel, even if R-devel changes after the package update is submitted. If the change to `write.csv()` stands, then a future release of `data.table` will be needed to make `fwrite(, dateTimeAs="write.csv")` match `write.csv()` output again in that future version of R onwards. If you use an older version of `data.table` than said future one in the said future version of R, then `fwrite(, dateTimeAs="write.csv")` may not match `write.csv()` if you are using `getOption("digits.secs")` too. However, you can always check that your installation of `data.table` works in your version of R on your platform by simply running `` yourself. Doing so would detect such a situation for you: test 1741 would fail in this case. `` runs the entire suite of tests and is always available to you locally. This way you do not need to rely on our statements about which combinations of versions of R and `data.table` on which platforms we have tested and support; just run `` yourself. Having said that, because test 1741 has been relaxed in this release in order to be accepted on CRAN to pass latest R-devel, this won't be true for this particular release in regard to this particular test. ```R $ R --vanilla R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) -- "Funny-Looking Kid" > DF = data.frame(A=as.POSIXct("2022-10-01 01:23:45.012")) > options(digits.secs=0) > write.csv(DF) "","A" "1",2022-10-01 01:23:45 > options(digits.secs=3) > write.csv(DF) "","A" "1",2022-10-01 01:23:45.012 $ Rdevel --vanilla R Under development (unstable) (2022-10-06 r83040) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" > DF = data.frame(A=as.POSIXct("2022-10-01 01:23:45.012")) > options(digits.secs=0) > write.csv(DF) "","A" "1",2022-10-01 01:23:45.012 ``` 5. Many thanks to Kurt Hornik for investigating potential impact of a possible future change to `base::intersect()` on empty input, providing a patch so that `data.table` won't break if the change is made to R, and giving us plenty of notice, [#5183](Rdatatable/data.table#5183). 6. `datatable.[dll|so]` has changed name to `data_table.[dll|so]`, [#4442](Rdatatable/data.table#4442). Thanks to Jan Gorecki for the PR. We had previously removed the `.` since `.` is not allowed by the following paragraph in the Writing-R-Extensions manual. Replacing `.` with `_` instead now seems more consistent with the last sentence. > ... the basename of the DLL needs to be both a valid file name and valid as part of a C entry point (e.g. it cannot contain ‘.’): for portable code it is best to confine DLL names to be ASCII alphanumeric plus underscore. If entry point R_init_lib is not found it is also looked for with ‘.’ replaced by ‘_’. # data.table [v1.14.2]( (27 Sep 2021) ## NOTES 1. clang 13.0.0 (Sep 2021) requires the system header `omp.h` to be included before R's headers, [#5122](Rdatatable/data.table#5122). Many thanks to Prof Ripley for testing and providing a patch file.
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