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Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Jon Schneider edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

Rewrite includes a custom Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) supporting Java 8 language features that encodes the structure and formatting of your source code. The AST is printable to reconstitute the source code, including its original formatting.

Rewrite provides high-level search functions and refactoring functions that can transform the AST.


The AST is imbued with information about types (and their type hierarchies) of expressions and statements in your code. These types are derived from the classpath as well as the


Rewrite's AST is non-cyclic and all types implement Serializable, so can be serialized by any Java serialization framework. This allows us to batch parse our entire codebase into Rewrite AST and then serialize it to disk for efficient code search and refactoring across the entire codebase.

Index of AST types with examples

Below is a visual reference of the AST elements that are available:

  • Tr.Annotation - @SuppressWarnings("ALL")
  • Tr.ArrayAccess - The index portion of myArray[0]
  • Tr.ArrayType - The type portion of String[][] foo
  • Tr.AssignOp - n += 1
  • Tr.Assign - n = 0
  • Tr.Binary - n + 1
  • Tr.Block - The class body and method body portions of:
public class A {
	public void foo() {  }
  • Tr.Break - break label (optional label)
  • Tr.Case - Case statements inside switches case 0: including default.
  • Tr.Catch - catch (Throwable t) { }
  • Tr.ClassDecl - Any type declaration:
    • class A {}
    • interface A {}
    • @interface A {}
    • enum A {}
  • Tr.Comment - Raw comments, either block or single line.
  • Tr.CompilationUnit - Package declaration (optional), imports (optional), and any type declarations contained in a single Java source file.
  • Tr.Continue - continue label (optional label).
  • Tr.DoWhile - do { } while(cond)
  • Tr.Empty - Empty statements can appear in as statements in blocks ({ ; }) and other constructs like for loops (e.g. for(;;) {})
  • Tr.FieldAccess - new A().myField
  • Tr.ForEachLoop - for(A a: listOfAs) { }
  • Tr.ForLoop - for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { }
  • Tr.Ident - Either a qualified ( or unqualified (A, int, myField) name. Refers to either a package portion, a type, or variable name, depending on the context.
  • Tr.If - if(cond) { } else if(cond2) { } else { }
  • Tr.Import - A regular or static import, including wildcard imports (e.g. import
  • Tr.InstanceOf - a instanceof A
  • Tr.Label - The label and target statement of labeled: while(cond) { }
  • Tr.Lambda - (String s) -> s.substring(1)
  • Tr.Literal - 0, 'a', "a". Also preserves base markers 010, 0xA0, 0b01 and type both standard and non-standard markers 0.0f, 1.0d, 1.0D, 1L.
  • Tr.MethodDecl - public <P, R> R foo(P p, String s, String... args) { }
  • Tr.MethodInvocation -, 1, 2)
  • Tr.NewArray - new int[0]
  • Tr.NewClass - new A.B() {}
  • Tr.Parentheses - ( 0 )
  • Tr.Primitive - Where type declarations are possible: int, double, etc.
  • Tr.Return - return value (optional value)
  • Tr.Switch - switch(n) { case 0: break; }
  • Tr.Synchronized - synchronized(mutex) { }
  • Tr.Ternary - n % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"
  • Tr.Throw - throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
  • Tr.TryCatch - try { } catch(Throwable t) { } finally { }
  • Tr.TypeCast - (Class<A>)
  • Tr.TypeParameter - <P> and <P extends A>
  • Tr.Unary - i++, !foo, etc.
  • Tr.VariableDecls - Single or multi-variable declaration, e.g. Integer n = 0 and Integer n = 0, m = 0
  • Tr.WhileLoop - while(cond) { }
  • Tr.Wildcard - <?>, <? extends A>, and <? super A>