very low cost Wallclock based on ESP01 and WS2812B Leds
include NeoPixelBus libary
- get current time from NTP (instead of buying a RTC-Modul)
- use free pixels as Color light (MQTT /Clock/colorRGB/set)
- use Alarm-time (MQTT /Clock/alarm/set)
- Animation-Alarm (MQTT /Clock/effect/set)
- PCB (60mm*40mm)
- DC DC Converter (set to 5V output) (e.g. for 60 LEDs this will be okay, for more LEDs take something bigger:
- Level Shifter (e.g.®-Logisches-Konverter-Bi-Direktional-TE291/dp/B0148BLZGE/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3PXRUEETCBDR9&keywords=level+shifter&qid=1574411353&sprefix=level+%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-6)
- Resistor 470Ohm
- Capacitor 1000µF/6.3V
- DC Powersupply
- ESP8266-01
- WS2812B LED Strip or Ring, looks best with a multiple of 60 LEDs