Package for [TurboSMS] ( for Laravel 5
This package still in beta. The main problem - SOAP API from TurboSMS (be realists - it's awful). I've contact with TurboSMS's support - lets see what they will do with my request...
Require this package in your composer.json:
"newway/turbo-sms": "dev-master"
And add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php
Publish config using artisan CLI (if you want to overwrite default config).
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"
You can register the facade in the aliases
key of your config/app.php
'aliases' => array(
'TurboSms' => 'Newway\TurboSms\Facade',
return array(
| URL for the SOAP API
'url' => '',
| Credentials for auth
'auth' => [
'login' => env('TURBO_SMS_LOGIN'),
'password' => env('TURBO_SMS_PASSWORD'),
| Sender name
'sender' => env('TURBO_SMS_SENDER'),
try {
$balance = Newway\TurboSms\Facade::getBalance();
$message_id = Newway\TurboSms\Facade::send('Test message', '+38099999999');
$status = Newway\TurboSms\Facade::getStatus($message_id);
} catch (Newway\TurboSms\Exceptions\TurboSmsException $e) {}