This package intended for communication with Hostfact in python applications. All what you need is to create client object and call his methods:
from hostfact_client import HostFact
client = HostFact(url="your host fact address", api_key="your_secret")
All calls based on the next logic (There are also exceptions that marked with *) and returns a JSON object as result:
*controller_name - module that is responsible for a certain functionality, like invoice logic (client.invoice.{action}
), debtor logic (client.debtor.{action}
**action - method that perform necessary function like add (client.invoice.add
), edit (client.invoice.edit
), list (client.debtor.list
), etc.
All controllers and actions you can find on this page:
This is a helper method that create or edit an invoice and allow adding attachments for it.
Parameters list:
debtor_code (mandatory) - DebtorCode to whom the invoice is intended.
invoice_lines (mandatory) - InvoiceLines list. Lines always upend to list. If you want to update the existent InvoiceLines' item use client.invoice.edit()
newInvoice (optional, by default False) - if True, the method will create a new invoice even though customer already has invoice.
attachment (optional, by default None) - dictionary that containe file 'name' and 'content' (base64 string)
import base64
from hostfact_client import HostFact
client = HostFact(url="your host fact address", api_key="your_secret")
# Read from file
with open("test.txt", "rb") as my_file:
filename =
attachment = base64.b64encode("utf-8")
# Updload string
# filename = "test.txt"
# attachment = base64.b64encode("Hello world".encode()).decode("utf-8")
"debtor_code": "DB100",
"invoice_lines": [
"Description": "some text",
"PriceExcl": 999
"ProductCode": "P008",
"Description": "description"
"attachment": {
"name": filename,
"content": attachment
With this function you can create an invoice in HostFact. If you indicate that the invoice should have the status 'Draft' (= 0) then no 'InvoiceCode' should be given.
Mandatory fields: Debtor or DebtorCode and InvoiceLines (minimum 1)
All parameters list you can find on this page:
"DebtorCode": "DB100",
"InvoiceLines": [
"Description": "Setupfee",
"PriceExcl": 150
"ProductCode": "P003",
"Description": "Domain"
This method allows editing an invoice. Only entered parameters are changed.
Mandatory fields: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
All parameters list you can find on this page:
The next call will update (or create) a line with id 777 and upend lines that don't have Identifier in the body.
"Identifier": 666,
"InvoiceLines": [
"Identifier": 777
"Description": "Test edit",
"PriceExcl": 999
"ProductCode": "P007",
"Description": "Domain"
This method allows you to retrieve more information about an invoice.
Mandatory fields: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
This method allowed you to remove an invoice line from an existing invoice. This method is available for an invoice in all statuses.
Mandatory fields: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
client.invoiceline.delete(Identifier=9999, InvoiceLines=[{"Identifier": 333333}, {"Identifier": 333334}])
This method allows you to retrieve a list of invoices that meet the specified parameters.
You can indicate sort
, order
, offset
and limit
and parameters for filtering (status
, modified
, etc)
All parameters list you can find on this page:
client.invoice.list(DebtorCode=debtor_code, Status=0, sort="Modified")
This method allows you to add an attachment to an existing invoice. This function is available for an invoice in all statuses.
Mandatory fields: ReferenceIdentifier
or InvoiceCode
, Type
, Filename
and Base64
import base64
from hostfact_client import HostFact
client = HostFact(url="your host fact address", api_key="your_secret")
# Read from file
with open("test.txt", "rb") as my_file:
filename =
attachment = base64.b64encode("utf-8")
# Updload string
# filename = "test.txt"
# attachment = base64.b64encode("Hello world".encode()).decode("utf-8")
"InvoiceCode": "[concept]0003",
"Type": "invoice",
"filename": "test.txt",
"base64": "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh"