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This package intended for communication with Hostfact in python applications. All what you need is to create client object and call his methods:

from hostfact_client import HostFact

client = HostFact(url="your host fact address", api_key="your_secret")

All calls based on the next logic (There are also exceptions that marked with *) and returns a JSON object as result:


*controller_name - module that is responsible for a certain functionality, like invoice logic (client.invoice.{action}), debtor logic (client.debtor.{action}).

**action - method that perform necessary function like add (client.invoice.add), edit (client.invoice.edit), list (client.debtor.list), etc.

All controllers and actions you can find on this page:

Make invoices

This is a helper method that create or edit an invoice and allow adding attachments for it.

Parameters list:
debtor_code (mandatory) - DebtorCode to whom the invoice is intended.
invoice_lines (mandatory) - InvoiceLines list. Lines always upend to list. If you want to update the existent InvoiceLines' item use client.invoice.edit() call.
newInvoice (optional, by default False) - if True, the method will create a new invoice even though customer already has invoice.
attachment (optional, by default None) - dictionary that containe file 'name' and 'content' (base64 string)

import base64

from hostfact_client import HostFact

client = HostFact(url="your host fact address", api_key="your_secret")

# Read from file
with open("test.txt", "rb") as my_file:
    filename =
    attachment = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

# Updload string
# filename = "test.txt"
# attachment = base64.b64encode("Hello world".encode()).decode("utf-8")

    "debtor_code": "DB100",
    "invoice_lines": [
            "Description": "some text",
            "PriceExcl": 999
            "ProductCode": "P008",
            "Description": "description"
    "attachment": {
        "name": filename,
        "content": attachment

Create new Invoice

With this function you can create an invoice in HostFact. If you indicate that the invoice should have the status 'Draft' (= 0) then no 'InvoiceCode' should be given.

Mandatory fields: Debtor or DebtorCode and InvoiceLines (minimum 1)

All parameters list you can find on this page:

    "DebtorCode": "DB100",
    "InvoiceLines": [
            "Description": "Setupfee",
            "PriceExcl": 150
            "ProductCode": "P003",
            "Description": "Domain"

Edit Invoice

This method allows editing an invoice. Only entered parameters are changed.

Mandatory fields: Identifier or InvoiceCode

All parameters list you can find on this page:

The next call will update (or create) a line with id 777 and upend lines that don't have Identifier in the body.

    "Identifier": 666,
    "InvoiceLines": [
            "Identifier": 777
            "Description": "Test edit",
            "PriceExcl": 999
            "ProductCode": "P007",
            "Description": "Domain"

Show Invoice

This method allows you to retrieve more information about an invoice.

Mandatory fields: Identifier or InvoiceCode

Delete InvoiceLines items

This method allowed you to remove an invoice line from an existing invoice. This method is available for an invoice in all statuses.

Mandatory fields: Identifier or InvoiceCode

client.invoiceline.delete(Identifier=9999, InvoiceLines=[{"Identifier": 333333}, {"Identifier": 333334}])

List Invoice

This method allows you to retrieve a list of invoices that meet the specified parameters.

You can indicate sort, order, offset and limit and parameters for filtering (status, modified, etc)

All parameters list you can find on this page:

client.invoice.list(DebtorCode=debtor_code, Status=0, sort="Modified")

Add attachment to invoice

This method allows you to add an attachment to an existing invoice. This function is available for an invoice in all statuses.

Mandatory fields: ReferenceIdentifier or InvoiceCode, Type, Filename and Base64

import base64

from hostfact_client import HostFact

client = HostFact(url="your host fact address", api_key="your_secret")

# Read from file
with open("test.txt", "rb") as my_file:
    filename =
    attachment = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

# Updload string
# filename = "test.txt"
# attachment = base64.b64encode("Hello world".encode()).decode("utf-8")

    "InvoiceCode": "[concept]0003",
    "Type": "invoice",
    "filename": "test.txt",
    "base64": "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh"


Hostfact Python Client






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