GeoJSON & KML sets of 28k+ airports with ICAO/IATA codes, names, cities, two-letter country identifiers, elevation, latitude & longitude, and a timezone identifier.
This repo is entirely based on data provided by mwgg/Airports !
If you just want to download the files, just head over to the release page.
If you want to run this script yourself, you simply need to run the following commands:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Data-Airport-Location
git submodule update --recursive --remote
pip install -r requirements.txt
Your newly baked GeoJSON files should be in the output/
All .geojson
files use the following standard structure:
"coordinates":[-151.695999146,59.94919968] // As [longitude,latitude]
"name":"Lowell Field",
"city":"Anchor Point",
"elevation":450, // Can be in feet or meters.
// More may follow here.
All future continent-based filtering will be done using
Wikipedia's list
that is itself based on ISO 3166-1
The datasets provided by this repository is based on the dataset provided by mwgg/Airports and is licensed under the MIT License.