Utilities for using Cypress with Nuxt Apps.
- Expose a plugin for unit testing components (automatically generates the webpack config)
- Provide commands for interacting with Nuxt
- Setup nuxt URL automatically
- Have other ideas? Make an issue with your idea, I'd love to hear them!
First off, cypress is awesome. Second, there's a bit of wiring up needed when using nuxt. Although this was made way easier with Nuxt exposing the webpack config, we still need to tweak the config a tiny bit to get it to work with cypress.
There also might be other utilities needed in the future to make cypress even easier to use with nuxt, so I thought a NPM package would be good. Maybe exposing the nuxt config to cypress, or automatically setting the base URL? Have Ideas? submit some enhancement requests!
First, this requires Nuxt >2.12. This module doesn't rely on nuxt itself so you need to install it (although it's a nuxt app... if you don't have it installed what are you doing?). If you're not on > 2.12 upgrade nuxt
npm install -D cypress-nuxt cypress-vue-unit-test
or with yarn
yarn add -D cypress-nuxt cypress-vue-unit-test
You might want to check that your node.js version supports async await. If it doesn't... well first upgrade. :p but if not use promises below.
const cypressNuxt = require("cypress-nuxt");
module.exports = async (on, config) => { // make sure to include "async"!
on("file:preprocessor", await cypressNuxt.plugin()); // make sure to include "await"!
// other plugins...
return config;
const cypressNuxt = require("cypress-nuxt");
module.exports = function (on, config) {
return cypressNuxt.plugin().then(function (webpackPreProcessor) {
on("file:preprocessor", webpackPreProcessor);
// other plugins...
return config;
allows writing yournuxt.config
file intypescript
, this means that cypress-nuxt (and anything else reading yournuxt.config.ts
needs to compile it before it can work with it.
in your cypress/plugins/index.js
add a ts-node register call before getting the webpack config.
compilerOptions: {
// force to compile to what node.js expects
target: "es5",
module: "commonjs" // node expects commonjs format
.then((webpackConfig) => {
I like to pull it out to a function so it's easy to await
const cypressNuxt = require("cypress-nuxt");
module.exports = async (on, config) => { // make sure to include "async"!
on("file:preprocessor", await filePreprocessor()); // make sure to include "await"!
// other plugins...
return config;
function filePreprocessor() {
compilerOptions: {
target: "es5",
module: "commonjs" // node expects commonjs format
// return the promise to return the webpack config
return cypressNuxt.plugin({})
For cypress-vue-unit-test < v2 see oldTestOrganization.md
Follow the cypress-vue-unit-test
documentation to get setup
import { createWrapper } from "@vue/test-utils";
import { mountCallback } from "cypress-vue-unit-test";
import Logo from "~/components/Logo.vue";
describe("Logo", () => {
it("should initialize", () => {
.should("have.length", 4);
cy.wrap(createWrapper(Cypress.vue)).should(cmp => cmp.isVueInstance());
Typescript Tests (if you have @nuxt/typescript-build enabled)
Just rename your spec file to .ts
: ~/components/Logo.spec.ts
the plugin function takes an options object. See the type definitions for LoadOptions for valid options.
Set the root dir to search for the nuxt.config.[js|ts] This is useful if you don't run cypress from the directory that contains your nuxt config file.
to resolve app/client/nuxt.config.js
from app/e2e/cypress/plugin.js
return cypressNuxt.plugin({
loadOptions: {
rootDir: path.join(__dirname, "../../client")
This option tells nuxt what version of the webpack config you want. Leaving this undefined seems to work fine.