This project tries to understand and implement a Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer (MCRT). It does this by simulating photon packages in a semi-infinite plane parallel atmosphere. These photon packages are randomly scattered in the atmosphere. For this simulation isotropic scattering was used.
The interesting bits of the code are within the files: Settings.cs, Simulator.cs, Photon.cs and Chart/ChartData.cs.
- Settings.cs: Stores the variables used for running the simulations. Tweak these values as you see fit.
- Simulator.cs: Creates the Simulator. This Simulator is responsible for the photon packages and storing the results (scatter events, radiation moments) of the photon packages.
- Photon.cs: Simulates a single photon packages within a semi-infinite plane parallel atmosphere.
- Chart/ChartData.cs: Responsible for creating the data in a format which can be used for the charts. This data can be obtained from an analytical solution or from a simulation.
If there is a need to change the looks of the charts, then that can be done in:
- Chart/Charts.cs: Responsible for the general look of the chart. (x range, y range, title, fonts, axis labels, etc.)
- Chart/ChartSeries.cs: Holds the default look for a Series. And is responsible for adding the data from Chart/ChartData.cs into the Series.