Speedboost: cached mod indexes for massive speed boost of some ModCheck internals
Rewritten the log writing system to give better control/more features to patch writers
Rewritten error messages to make it easier to find the error
Changed profiling output. Total on top, one entry for each mod
All PatchOperation names can now be used starting with both upper and lower case (fixes naming inconsistency)
Added new mode to LoadOrder. It can now use first and last strings instead of the old approach (which still works)
Added Sequence operation, which does the same as the vanilla operation, but with ModCheck specific options
Added logic operations AND, OR, IfElse, Loop and Once
Added warning/error if outdated versions of ModCheck are being loaded (risk of new vs old conflicts)
Added a preview logo (thanks to larSyn for drawing it)
Added support for ModSync RW
Fix: profiling now displays correct time if the hardware has a high precision timer
Fix: profiling will no longer cut off the output if you have a lot of patches
Removed the need to include yourMod and modName unless they are actually used
You can’t perform that action at this time.