a few quick html/js projects
These two projects started out as tiny prototypes based off of youtube user Gamkedo's rapid prototyping example videos. I have made extensive modifications to the initial games which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGmXxpIj6vs (snake) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoWqdEACyLI (pong)
snake.html is a simple snake clone. I have added:
- a score counter,
- high score counter,
- custom rendering code for the snake so its color changes as it gets longer,
- a rule that prevents the player from doubling back on their own tail in a single frame,
- a rule for apple placement that relocates it if it spawns on the same square as the snake's tail
- a start screen designed by Stephen Albrecht
pongus.html is a more involved pong clone. I have added:
- a framework for adding entities rendered with sprites and brushes rendered as canvas primitives
- more complex data e.g acceleration
- primitive 'parallel' execution: the game updates its logic and graphics in two separate functions run concurrently using setInterval()
- various rules to improve playability:
- increase in speed of projectile and paddles as the game progresses
- decrease in size of paddles "..."
- ball inherits paddle velocity to make more directed passes back and forth
- movement in two dimensions for the player
- a visual indicator for the boundaries of said motion
- image for ball
- slightly better ai rules
- score indicators