Set the currently playing media art as background image for Lovelace (Home Assistant).
You need to put this at the top of your Lovelace configuration.
- Open your Home Assistant website
- Click the 3 dots on the top-right
- Click "Edit Dashboard"
- Click the 3 dots on the top-right
- Click "Raw Configuration Editor"
- Add the configuration:
- media_player.living_room_tv
Note Make sure to put it right at the top, not inside a view or anything. So it will look something like this:
- media_player.living_room_tv
title: Home
- title: Today
path: today
icon: 'mdi:clock'
- entity: sensor.time
Here is another example showing all the different settings:
blur: 10px
opacity: 0.5
background_transition: 2s
- media_player.main
- entity: media_player.secondary
valid_states: ['playing']
views: ['music_view']
image_attribute: 'entity_picture'
If views are specified the background will only change on a matching lovelace view.
If views are not provided the change should apply to all lovelace views
Views in action - Here Music cover art is only applied to the MUSIC view and video game art is only applied to the video game view