A QT GUI application for analyzing XML materials exported from Smash Forge.
A dump of XML material files for most of the models in Smash 4 for Wii U can be
found here. For bugs or feature suggestions, please use the Issues page.
The application maintains a single list of xml materials. Each search creates a filtered list of materials based on the search settings used. Not specifying any search settings will include all materials.
File > Add material from file: all the materials in the selected XML file will be added to the
materials list.
File > Add material from folder: all the materials in all XML files in the selected directory,
including all subdirectories, will be added to the materials list.
Clear materials: all materials previously added to the materials list will be removed.
View > About: displays a link to the license information.
Finds all the materials in the current material list that match the given search criteria and prints their information.
Clears all the printed text output. To remove the materials from the current material list, use File > Clear Materials instead.
Flags values are 8 digit hexadecimal numbers. The src, dst, cull mode, alpha function, and alpha test use the same format as the XML materials. When filtering for a certain property is enabled, the material value is compared to the value in the text box using the operator in the drop down menu.
These settings control what material attributes are printed for each of the materials that matches the given search criteria.
- Material Research: XML material dump and dumped values for NU_ material properties, flags, etc.
- Material Editing Guide I: Tutorial explaining common material properties and how to edit materials.
- Material Editing Guide II: Tutorial explaining more advanced material properties and example materials.
Prebuilt binaries are only available for windows. The project can be built from source using QTCreator. The project was built with QT 5.9.3. Building should work without any changes necessary on Ubuntu 16.04 with a proper QT installation, but this hasn't yet been tested with the latest version.
The application is based on the XML material import/export and NUD materials used in Smash Forge.
- Smash Forge
- Copyright (c) 2017 jam1garner, Ploaj, Sammi Husky, smb123w64gb, SMG
- MIT License