Experiment to reduce thirdparty API calls using Go ( Channels , Routines )
API - This api acts as an api hub to fetch data from other third party sources
APP - This application will be open to a multiple users. And the APP will call the API
Assumptions -
- Every third party api call is getting real time data ( time sensitive ) and Rate Limited ( 1000 calls per day )
ie :
GET /population - Returns live population in the world. Changes every minute.
- Every third party api call is costly
Problem -
- If multiple people tend to hit the same API endpoint ( GET /population ) at the same time based on a some external trend ( ie : BRAKING NEWS - Scientists suggests that population growth have slowed down 10 times compared to last year). We will be making many api calls to get about the same data.
ie : at 10:20:00 AM 50 people ask for what the population is
Current result : make 50 calls to GET /population
Expected Solution -
- if the request was done for the same time stamp. Do just one call and use the result to fullfill all the other 49 requests.
Findings - ... TBD
Setting up -
Installing Locust
virtualenv locustvenv
source locustvenv/bin/activate
brew install libev
pip isntall locustio
Running locust locust --host=http://localhost:port