how to build a simple mint page of ERC721 SmartContract
Upload NFT using NFT.Storage ( NFTUPs )
Website :
Download NFTUps :
NFTUPs require a API-key, and you can get the api key after signing in the NFT.Storage
Develop and Deploy SmartContract
1. Name and Symbol
2. set BaseURI
3. set MaxSupply
*After Deploying Contract using remix on Rinkeby you will get a contract Address !!!!!
Will need Faucet Ethers, and will test it on Rinkeby Chain
Rinkeby-Faucet :
*if you dont want to add Rinkeby network manully then head on to
1. connect wallet
2. add network
Connect it with React app
need Ether.JS / Web3.Js
need ContractAddress
if you want other provider like Alchemy/Infura you can vist their websites