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Adds Cargo shelves from Shiptest, makes Skyrat modular shelves builda…
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…ble (Bubberstation#992)

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Source Inspiration: shiptest-ss13/Shiptest#2374

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This PR add
## Why It's Good For The Game
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This makes it so that cargo techs can neatly stack crates on a shelf for
convenience. How neat!

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:cl: ReturnToZender, GenericDM (Original Version)
add: Cargo shelves are now craftable using metal! They store up to 3
crates per shelf.
fix: Skyrat modular shelves (such as gun racks and tall shelves) are now
buildable using metal.

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Co-authored-by: Waterpig <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: pixelkitty286 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: BurgerLUA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cursor <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: nevimer <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: projectkepler-RU <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: The Sharkening <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tom <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: xXPawnStarrXx <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bubberbot <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nitha <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Swift <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
13 people authored Feb 7, 2024
1 parent 164ad98 commit 1c64d51
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Showing 4 changed files with 245 additions and 1 deletion.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion code/game/objects/items/stacks/sheets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,9 +68,16 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(metal_recipes, list ( \
new /datum/stack_recipe("White Checker King", /obj/structure/chess/checker/whiteking, 2, time = 1 SECONDS, one_per_turf = TRUE, on_solid_ground = TRUE, category = CAT_ENTERTAINMENT), \
new /datum/stack_recipe("Black Checker Man", /obj/structure/chess/checker/blackman, 2, time = 1 SECONDS, one_per_turf = TRUE, on_solid_ground = TRUE, category = CAT_ENTERTAINMENT), \
new /datum/stack_recipe("Black Checker King", /obj/structure/chess/checker/blackking, 2, time = 1 SECONDS, one_per_turf = TRUE, on_solid_ground = TRUE, category = CAT_ENTERTAINMENT), \
)), \
new /datum/stack_recipe_list("Racks and Shelves", list( \
new/datum/stack_recipe("rack parts", /obj/item/rack_parts, category = CAT_FURNITURE), \
new/datum/stack_recipe("Cargo shelf parts", /obj/item/rack_parts/cargo_shelf, 4, category = CAT_FURNITURE), \
new/datum/stack_recipe("Gun shelf parts", /obj/item/rack_parts/gun, 2, category = CAT_FURNITURE), \
new/datum/stack_recipe("Shelf parts", /obj/item/rack_parts/shelf, 2, category = CAT_FURNITURE), \
null, \
new/datum/stack_recipe("rack parts", /obj/item/rack_parts, category = CAT_FURNITURE), \
new/datum/stack_recipe("closet", /obj/structure/closet, 2, time = 1.5 SECONDS, one_per_turf = TRUE, on_solid_ground = TRUE, category = CAT_FURNITURE), \
null, \
new/datum/stack_recipe("atmos canister", /obj/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister, 10, time = 3 SECONDS, one_per_turf = TRUE, on_solid_ground = TRUE, category = CAT_ATMOSPHERIC), \
Expand Down
Binary file added modular_zubbers/icons/obj/structures.dmi
Binary file not shown.
236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions modular_zubbers/modules/shelves/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
#define DEFAULT_SHELF_CAPACITY 3 // Default capacity of the shelf
#define DEFAULT_SHELF_USE_DELAY 1 SECONDS // Default interaction delay of the shelf
#define DEFAULT_SHELF_VERTICAL_OFFSET 10 // Vertical pixel offset of shelving-related things. Set to 10 by default due to this leaving more of the crate on-screen to be clicked.

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf //Crate shelf port from Shiptest:
name = "Cargo shelf"
desc = "It's a shelf! For storing crates!"
icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/structures.dmi'
icon_state = "shelf_base"
density = TRUE
anchored = TRUE
max_integrity = 50 // Not hard to break


capacity = 12

. = ..()
shelf_contents = new/list(capacity) // Initialize our shelf's contents list, this will be used later.
var/stack_layer // This is used to generate the sprite layering of the shelf pieces.
var/stack_offset // This is used to generate the vertical offset of the shelf pieces.
for(var/i in 1 to (capacity - 1))
if(i >= 3) // If we're at or above three, we'll be on the way to going off the tile we're on. This allows mobs to be below the shelf when this happens.
stack_layer = ABOVE_MOB_LAYER + (0.02 * i) - 0.01
stack_layer = BELOW_OBJ_LAYER + (0.02 * i) - 0.01 // Make each shelf piece render above the last, but below the crate that should be on it.
stack_offset = DEFAULT_SHELF_VERTICAL_OFFSET * i // Make each shelf piece physically above the last.
overlays += image(icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/structures.dmi', icon_state = "shelf_stack", layer = stack_layer, pixel_y = stack_offset)

return ..()

. = ..()
. += span_notice("There are some <b>bolts</b> holding [src] together.")
if(shelf_contents.Find(null)) // If there's an empty space in the shelf, let the examiner know.
. += span_notice("You could <b>drag and drop</b> a crate into [src].")
if(contents.len) // If there are any crates in the shelf, let the examiner know.
. += span_notice("You could <b>drag and drop</b> a crate out of [src].")
. += span_notice("[src] contains:")
for(var/obj/structure/closet/crate/crate in shelf_contents)
. += " [icon2html(crate, user)] [crate]"

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/attackby(obj/item/item, mob/living/user, params)
if (item.tool_behaviour == TOOL_WRENCH && !(flags_1 & NO_DECONSTRUCTION))
if(do_after(user, 3 SECONDS, target = src))
return TRUE
return ..()

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/relay_container_resist_act(mob/living/user, obj/structure/closet/crate)
to_chat(user, span_notice("You begin attempting to knock [crate] out of [src]"))
if(do_after(user, 30 SECONDS, target = crate))
if(!user || user.stat != CONSCIOUS || user.loc != crate || crate.loc != src)
return // If the user is in a strange condition, return early.
visible_message(span_warning("[crate] falls off of [src]!"),
span_notice("You manage to knock [crate] free of [src]"),
span_notice("You hear a thud."))
crate.forceMove(drop_location()) // Drop the crate onto the shelf,
step_rand(crate, 1) // Then try to push it somewhere.
crate.layer = initial(crate.layer) // Reset the crate back to having the default layer, otherwise we might get strange interactions.
crate.pixel_y = initial(crate.pixel_y) // Reset the crate back to having no offset, otherwise it will be floating.
shelf_contents[shelf_contents.Find(crate)] = null // Remove the reference to the crate from the list.

vis_contents = contents // It really do be that shrimple.

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/proc/load(obj/structure/closet/crate/crate, mob/user)
var/next_free = shelf_contents.Find(null) // Find the first empty slot in the shelf.
if(!next_free) // If we don't find an empty slot, return early.
balloon_alert(user, "shelf full!")
return FALSE
if(do_after(user, use_delay, target = crate))
if(shelf_contents[next_free] != null)
return FALSE // Something has been added to the shelf while we were waiting, abort!
if(crate.opened) // If the crate is open, try to close it.
return FALSE // If we fail to close it, don't load it into the shelf.
shelf_contents[next_free] = crate // Insert a reference to the crate into the free slot.
crate.forceMove(src) // Insert the crate into the shelf.
crate.pixel_y = DEFAULT_SHELF_VERTICAL_OFFSET * (next_free - 1) // Adjust the vertical offset of the crate to look like it's on the shelf.
if(next_free >= 3) // If we're at or above three, we'll be on the way to going off the tile we're on. This allows mobs to be below the crate when this happens.
crate.layer = ABOVE_MOB_LAYER + 0.02 * (next_free - 1)
crate.layer = BELOW_OBJ_LAYER + 0.02 * (next_free - 1) // Adjust the layer of the crate to look like it's in the shelf.
return TRUE
return FALSE // If the do_after() is interrupted, return FALSE!

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/proc/unload(obj/structure/closet/crate/crate, mob/user, turf/unload_turf)
unload_turf = get_turf(user) // If a turf somehow isn't passed into the proc, put it at the user's feet.
if(!unload_turf.Enter(crate)) // If moving the crate from the shelf to the desired turf would bump, don't do it! Thanks Kapu1178 for the help here. - Generic DM
unload_turf.balloon_alert(user, "no room!")
return FALSE
if(do_after(user, use_delay, target = crate))
return FALSE // If something has happened to the crate while we were waiting, abort!
crate.layer = initial(crate.layer) // Reset the crate back to having the default layer, otherwise we might get strange interactions.
crate.pixel_y = initial(crate.pixel_y) // Reset the crate back to having no offset, otherwise it will be floating.
shelf_contents[shelf_contents.Find(crate)] = null // We do this instead of removing it from the list to preserve the order of the shelf.
return TRUE
return FALSE // If the do_after() is interrupted, return FALSE!

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/deconstruct(disassembled = TRUE)
var/turf/dump_turf = drop_location()
for(var/obj/structure/closet/crate/crate in shelf_contents)
crate.layer = initial(crate.layer) // Reset the crates back to default visual state
crate.pixel_y = initial(crate.pixel_y)
step(crate, pick(GLOB.alldirs)) // Shuffle the crates around as though they've fallen down.
crate.SpinAnimation(rand(4,7), 1) // Spin the crates around a little as they fall. Randomness is applied so it doesn't look weird.
switch(pick(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)) // Randomly pick whether to do nothing, open the crate, or break it open.
if(1) // Believe it or not, this does nothing.
if(2) // Open the crate!
if( // Break some open, cause a little chaos.
crate.visible_message(span_warning("[crate]'s lid falls open!"))
else // If we somehow fail to open the crate, just break it instead!
crate.visible_message(span_warning("[crate] falls apart!"))
if(3) // Break that crate!
crate.visible_message(span_warning("[crate] falls apart!"))
shelf_contents[shelf_contents.Find(crate)] = null
if(!(flags_1 & NO_DECONSTRUCTION))
density = FALSE
var/obj/item/rack_parts/cargo_shelf/newparts = new(loc)
return ..()

/obj/structure/closet/crate/MouseDrop(atom/drop_atom, src_location, over_location)
. = ..()
var/mob/living/user = usr
return // Ghosts busted.
if(!isturf(user.loc) || user.incapacitated() || user.body_position == LYING_DOWN)
return // If the user is in a weird state, don't bother trying.
if(get_dist(drop_atom, src) != 1 || get_dist(drop_atom, user) != 1)
return // Check whether the crate is exactly 1 tile from the shelf and the user.
if(istype(drop_atom, /turf/open) && istype(loc, /obj/structure/cargo_shelf) && user.Adjacent(drop_atom))
var/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/shelf = loc
return shelf.unload(src, user, drop_atom) // If we're being dropped onto a turf, and we're inside of a crate shelf, unload.
if(istype(drop_atom, /obj/structure/cargo_shelf) && isturf(loc) && user.Adjacent(src))
var/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/shelf = drop_atom
return shelf.load(src, user) // If we're being dropped onto a crate shelf, and we're in a turf, load.

name = "Cargo shelf parts"
icon = 'modular_zubbers/icons/obj/structures.dmi'
icon_state = "rack_parts"
desc = "Parts of a cargo shelf, for storing crates."

building = TRUE
to_chat(user, span_notice("You start constructing a cargo shelf..."))
if(do_after(user, 50, target = user, progress=TRUE))
var/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/R = new /obj/structure/cargo_shelf(get_turf(src))
user.visible_message("<span class='notice'>[user] assembles \a [R].\
</span>", span_notice("You assemble \a [R]."))
building = FALSE

/obj/structure/cargo_shelf/deconstruct(disassembled = TRUE)
if(!(obj_flags & NO_DECONSTRUCTION))
var/obj/item/rack_parts/cargo_shelf/newparts = new(loc)

name = "gun rack parts"
desc = "Parts of a gun rack."

building = TRUE
to_chat(user, span_notice("You start constructing a gun rack..."))
if(do_after(user, 50, target = user, progress=TRUE))
var/obj/structure/rack/gunrack/R = new /obj/structure/rack/gunrack(get_turf(src))
user.visible_message("<span class='notice'>[user] assembles \a [R].\
</span>", span_notice("You assemble \a [R]."))
building = FALSE

/obj/structure/rack/gunrack/deconstruct(disassembled = TRUE)
if(!(obj_flags & NO_DECONSTRUCTION))
var/obj/item/rack_parts/gun/newparts = new(loc)

name = "shelf parts"
desc = "Parts of a standard shelf."

building = TRUE
to_chat(user, span_notice("You start constructing a standard shelf..."))
if(do_after(user, 50, target = user, progress=TRUE))
var/obj/structure/rack/shelf/R = new /obj/structure/rack/shelf(get_turf(src))
user.visible_message("<span class='notice'>[user] assembles \a [R].\
</span>", span_notice("You assemble \a [R]."))
building = FALSE

/obj/structure/rack/shelf/deconstruct(disassembled = TRUE)
if(!(obj_flags & NO_DECONSTRUCTION))
var/obj/item/rack_parts/shelf/newparts = new(loc)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tgstation.dme
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8487,6 +8487,7 @@
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\quirks\code\neutral_quirks\"
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\security\secmed\"
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\security\secmed\"
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\shelves\"
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\space_background\"
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\space_background\"
#include "modular_zubbers\modules\synths\"
Expand Down

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