added executor_id to table nflow_workflow_action and exposed executor_ids in WorkflowInstanceService
exposed workflow executors through WorkflowExecutorService
state handling logic changes:
stop in non-final state puts workflow to error state
process error state handler method after exceeding max retries, unless workflow instance was already in error state
fix: obey maxRetries when NextAction.retryAfter(...) is used
final state handler methods should return void instead of NextAction (in 2.0.0 returning NextAction will throw exception)
expose new fields through StateExecution: workflow instance id, workflow instance external id
insert WorkflowInstanceAction for each recovered WorkflowInstance
deprecated (removed in 2.0.0):
WorkflowState.getName() (use name() instead)
workflow instance "owner" (new term: "executor group")
WorkflowInstanceAction.workflowId (new field: workflowInstanceId)
renamed WorkflowExecutor->WorkflowStateProcessor, WorkflowExecutorFactory->WorkflowStateProcessorFactory
use configured value for workflow dispatcher awaitTermination
added filter for adding CORS headers
exposed state variables in REST API
exposed workflow executors through REST API
store requestData under key "requestData" (previously: "req")
enabled transactions using DataSourceTransactionManager
nFlow branding (titles, favicons, links, etc)
configure basepath through swagger.basepath.* -properties
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