- nFlow explorer (user interface) beta-version added
- workflow definitions are persisted, and persisted undeployed definitions are returned by REST API
- services for querying executor group and workflow definition statistics
- nflow-engine:
- workflow initial state must be of type "start"
- workflow error state must be of final ("end" or "manual")
- workflow instance cannot be externally updated (WorkflowInstanceService.updateWorkflowInstance), when being processed by nFlow executor
- persists workflow definitions to database during startup (nflow_workflow_definition-table required)
- internal components annotated by @nflow (required e.g. for injecting application datasource to nflow)
- does not start anymore, if transactions are not enabled
- defining contradictory failure transitions using permit() no longer allowed
- bug fixes:
- theoretical problem in optimistic locking of instance polling
- binary backoff integer overflow when calculating next activation after 15 retries
- nflow-rest-api:
- return http code 404, when the requested object is not found
- /v1/workflow-definition (GET)
- returns persisted workflow definition, if the definition exists (or has existed) within the executor group, but is not deployed to the queried nFlow installation
- /v1/workflow-definition/{type}/statistics (GET)
- new resource for retrieving counts of workflow instances in different states
- /v1/workflow-instance, /v1/workflow-instance/{type} (GET)
- returns new workflow instance fields: started, created, modified, retries and actions[n].executor_id
- added query parameter limit search result size (maxResults)
- /v1/workflow-instance (PUT)
- returns http code 409, if the instance is currently being processed by nFlow executor
- bug fix: updating only next activation without state change works now
- /v1/statistics (GET)
- new resource for retrieving workflow instance queue size and lag from target activation times
- nflow-jetty:
- added nflow-explorer user interface beta-version
- search, manage and visualize workflow instances
- visualize workflow definitions
- visualize and monitor instance statistics per definition
- Swagger runtime dependency removed: service descriptions are generated in compile time to nflow-rest-api -module and served by nflow-jetty
- tuned web contexts
- /api/v1/: nFlow REST API version 1
- /doc/: nFlow REST API Swagger descriptions
- /explorer/: nflow-explorer user interface
- added nflow-explorer user interface beta-version