This repo is for VA VA_Project
These visualizations help users find the best hotels and understand the hotel landscape in a given location.
Interactive Hotel Map 📍
- Plot all hotels on a geo map with color-coded markers (green for high ratings, red for low ratings).
- Clicking on a marker shows hotel details, reviews, and pricing.
Hotel Heatmap 🔥
- A heatmap showing the density of highly-rated hotels in a city or area.
Top 10 Best-Rated Hotels 🏆
- A bar chart showing the highest-rated hotels in a selected area.
Histogram of Hotel Ratings 📊
- Shows the distribution of hotel review scores in a region.
Sentiment Analysis (Word Cloud & Bar Chart) 💬
- Word clouds for common words in positive & negative reviews.
- A bar chart of the most frequent complaints & praises.
Pie Chart of Reviewer Nationalities 🌍
- Helps users see which hotels are popular among international travelers.
Average Price vs. Review Score Scatter Plot 💰
- Helps users find the best value-for-money hotels.
These visualizations help hotel owners analyze their competitors and explore potential new locations.
Competitor Pricing & Rating Comparison 📊
- A scatter plot of hotel prices vs. review scores to compare competitors.
Bar Chart of Total Reviews per Competitor 📈
- Shows which hotels receive the most reviews (indicating popularity).
Customer Complaint Analysis 🚨
- A bar chart of common negative review words for competitors.
Best Areas for New Hotels (Heatmap & Cluster Analysis) 🏨
- Identify underserved areas where good hotels are missing.
- Use clustering techniques to highlight potential locations for a new hotel.
Hotel Demand Trend Over Time (Line Chart) ⏳
- Show the growth of hotel reviews in a city over time to identify rising demand.
Comparison of Nearby Hotel Ratings (Box Plot) 📦
- Compare hotel ratings in different parts of the city.
- Frontend: Display these visualizations in an interactive web dashboard (React + D3.js / Chart.js).
- Backend: Use Python (Flask/Django) with Folium, Plotly, Matplotlib, and NLP (for sentiment analysis).
- Data Sources: Combine hotel reviews with real-time pricing from APIs (e.g.,, Google Places).