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python311Packages.cufflinks: refactor and drop nose #313159

merged 2 commits into from
May 21, 2024

python311Packages.cufflinks: refactor and drop nose

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python311Packages.cufflinks: refactor and drop nose #313159

python311Packages.cufflinks: refactor and drop nose
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OfBorg / python311Packages.cufflinks, python311Packages.cufflinks.passthru.tests on x86_64-linux succeeded May 20, 2024 in 0s


Attempted: python311Packages.cufflinks

The following builds were skipped because they don't evaluate on x86_64-linux: python311Packages.cufflinks.passthru.tests


Partial log

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Did you mean to use `assert` instead of `return`?

-- Docs:
====================== 556 passed, 33 warnings in 14.27s =======================
Finished executing pytestCheckPhase
Running phase: pytestcachePhase
Running phase: pytestRemoveBytecodePhase