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This project originated during the conversion of an old AGO spec pipe organ pedalboard to MIDI in order to be used with Hauptwerk virtual organ software.
The shield uses 4 daisy chained CD4021 shift registers to read 32 reed switches installed on the pedalboard. The Arduino Uno reads the shift registers and then sends MIDI notes via Hiduino firmware flashed to the Uno's Atmel ATmega16U2. The Hiduino firmware makes the Arduino Uno appear as a class-compliant USB-MIDI device.
The project contains:
- Eagle CAD files for an Arduino Uno R3 shield
- Arduino sketch
NOTE: This is still a work in progress. I've breadboarded the circuit with a single CD4021 which works perfectly, but I have yet to daisy chain multiple CD4021s on the breadboard. When that has been done I'll have PCBs made at OSHPark