Basic gulp template.
git clone ./
clones into current directory
Gulp template to serve a base for future projects. Includes the following plugins / features:
- Jquery
- Bootstrap
- Browsersync (serving from both src and dist directories)
- Jquery Uglify
- Es Lint (for finding code issues)
- Css Minifier
- Directory sync
- Install Node first with -g flag in target directory (if not already installed)
- Run Npm install in target directory
- Unzip directories.rar or Create src/dist directory structure (ex. folder-structure.jpg)
- May need to then install Gulp, Eslint, Eslint-plugin-angular with the -g flag to avoid path issues
Run gulp watch from project directory.
Compiles scss, minifies css/js, copies assets (html/images/js) to dist folder, reloads browser on changes.
- The directory structure of the project follows best practices for large scale app development. Specific to work with Angular, but good to adopt for any project structure.
- Jquery / Bootstrap run from local node_modules directory, but perhaps want to switch to a cdn for production deploy
- One-way directory syncing for html/js/images
- The gulp file could probably be optimized further, but for now it works.