- Fork off an old version of openai-api-rs
- Wrapper heavy
- Ease of use
- Spending tracking
- Caching and database storage (with methods to interchange between them)
- Chat completions on prompts
- Chat completions on PDFs
- Chat completions on the cached list of responses (meta completions)
Basically the idea was to be able to easily download a bunch of PDFs, run a prompt on a loop through every PDF in a folder, and then run a prompt on all the responses, for things like automated meta-analyses and topic introductions.
use openai_rs::*;
let mut client = OpenAIAccount::new(
).await.expect("Initial startup");
let mut content = String::new();
let f = std::fs::File::open("inputs.txt")
.expect("to be able to read the file")
.read_to_string(&mut content)
let cite_blocks: Vec<&str> = content.split("\n").collect();
for block in cite_blocks {
let query: ChatQuery = client.get_completion(format!("{block}
type Props = {{
authors: string[]; // L. M. First
year: number;
title: string;
journal: string;
edition?: number;
articleNumber: number;
pages?: {{
start: number;
end: number;
Extract the above information and return the following JSX tag:
{{ title: <Citation {{...props}} /> }}").as_str()
.expect("success of chat completion");
if query.from_cache { println!("{} from cache", query.response.id); }
let meta_query: MetaQuery = client.meta_complete_cache(
"Provide a variable declaration of these objects as a single object: const references = { ... };"
.expect("success of meta completion");
println!("{}", meta_res.response.choices[0].to_owned().message.content.unwrap());
let res = client.db.insert_query(meta_query.key(), &client.cache).await;