I'm a nerd for coding. I'm always looking to learn more, experience self-growth, and collaborate with others. My love of problem solving helps me build and debug applications from an idea into a reality. I enjoy sharing my talents with a team of other inquisitve people. I'm looking to use my skills at a company that makes fun products that help society. I'm always thinking outside the box to overcome challenges, and I appreciate an environment that fosters such.
In Dune, Frank Herbert wrote “Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere. Climb the mountain just a little bit to test that it's a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the mountain.” To me this quote represents life both professionally and personally.
Most recently I built a webapp for a local business owner who does private teaching. Chloe's Canopy.
Next I plan on contributing to open source projects while working on a book.
I prefer to call it the Github Desert of Exploration and it's sandy not green. Each garden is an oasis of thought. But also my mind operates on Discordian time.
What don't I like to do? I like hiking in nature around Seattle, I love going to music concerts, I like making music (that nobody will listen to) with my friends, I also like video games too.
I have a few different ones, some of which are contradictory to others. Such as...do as you will just don't hurt others. Attempting to bring order to the universe is futile, because the universe is chaotic by nature... "do the stars arrange themselves in neat little rows? No!". Keep your room orderly, tidy, and clean. Each day I wake up I make a schedule of things I'm going to try to do that day. Sometimes it's okay to relax and take a break. I should take life just the right amount of seriouss, but also the correct measured amount of unserious. Also I do sometimes listen to my dreams for guidance.
It equals 1. We have spent thousands of years going over this.