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The Personal Website of Noble Mushtak

My personal Web site, as a Django project. You can visit this Web site here.

Running Locally

The following instructions work on Ubuntu 20.04, they have not been tested on other operating systems.

Note that the following instructions will install a MySQL server onto your computer, which may run in the background even when you are not running the Web site. After installation, you can stop the service with sudo systemctl stop mysql.service and then start the service with sudo systemctl start mysql.service when you are ready to run the Web site. You can also run sudo systemctl disable mysql.service so that the MySQL server does not start every time you boot your computer.

First, make sure you have Python 3 and pip installed. Then, run the following commands in the directory where you have cloned this repository:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install mysql-client
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, you will need to set up a MySQL user and database. The website/ is set up to use MySQL with the user noble and a database named website with an empty password, so modify that file if you would like to use a different username or database name.

To create a MySQL database and user account, run sudo mysql in the terminal and then enter the following commands into the prompt that shows up:

GRANT ALL privileges on website.* to noble;
FLUSH privileges;

(Note that the second string in the CREATE USER command represents an empty password.)

Finally, run the following in the terminal in order to set up the necessary SQL tables:

DJANGO_LOCAL=True python3 makemigrations
DJANGO_LOCAL=True python3 migrate

At this point, everything is set up, so now you can run ./ in the terminal and visit http://localhost:8070/ to see this Web site running on your computer!